9 Fruits You Should Be Eating And 8 You Shouldn’t If You Are Diabetic
Are peaches and apples good? No more pineapple and banana? Stay tuned to learn everything about the good and bad fruits for diabetes.
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#DiabeticDiet #Diabetes #Bestie
Intro – 0:00
Blueberries – 00:45
Peach – 01:28
Apricot – 01:57
Apple – 02:35
Orange – 03:05
Kiwi – 03:41
Pear – 04:09
Cherry – 04:45
Strawberry – 05:32
Pineapple – 06:03
Mango – 06:35
Watermelon – 07:03
Banana – 07:33
Grapes – 07:57
Raisins – 08:22
Lychees – 08:48
Dates – 09:14
Let’s start off with the best fruits!
1. Blueberries
Blueberries are superfoods for diabetics. These tiny tangy fruits are packed with vitamins, essential minerals and tons of antioxidants. Not only does it promote overall health, it also gets rid of free radicals.
2. Peaches
Peaches define the summer season. They are a super healthy addition to your daily diet, low in calories, are a wonderful source of fiber, potassium and vitamins A and C.
3. Apricots
Apricots' sweet flavor, and impressive nutrient content, makes them a worthwhile addition to your diet.
Now – let’s see fruits that all diabetics should avoid:
1. Pineapple
Pineapples are considered one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Packed with Vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants, they are a great way of staying healthy. Sadly, they are not pleasant news for diabetics.
2. Mango
Often referred to as the ‘king of fruits’ this tropical delight is a no-go for diabetics. Mangoes are loaded with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to almost any diet.
For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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WATCH ?: Eat Garlic Every Day And This Will Happen To Your Body – `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erIR8wKbCCA&list=PL_fl96m7OLQWTg82q3ImUs2xVqdBNsjwL&index=21
my world came to an end when you mentioned Watermelon ? But that’s my favourite..? ?
Mine too? and grapes
You don’t need fruit dally. Also be very careful of your yogurt selection if you decide to eat yogurt.
Good : blueberries, peaches, apricots, medium apples, oranges (I say a small orange.), kiwi, pears, cherries, strawberries, blackberries.
Bad: pineapples, mangos, and the long ad came on. ?
Banana, water melons, grapes, raisins, lychees & dates
Mango avoid
I eat blueberries on my chocolate wheatabix every morning.
Am gonna eat all and exert out my calories or burn in with some intense workouts eating a cup of dates are you crazy dude ita only 2 to 3 or 1 each day is more than enough if someone lovesto eat… they should cut down the consuming ..dates have a lot of health benefits from curing anaemia to many other disorders
Bestie im here I love fruits so good and very healthy for you thank you for another Amazing Video and have a wonderful and happy Tuesday?
By set up because I fix. Ruck your would u think 25 year want un tell I done use my name
Let get some I know who r I leave my husband loan I mean I know I Hank me I am file on u back off
While some forms of fruit, like juice, can be bad for diabetes, whole fruits like berries, citrus, apricots, and yes, even apples — can be good for your A1C and overall health, fighting inflammation, normalizing your blood pressure, and more.?
Most healthy fruits i love are GOOD & i love them, but.. when you said Pineapple… who cares while im just a non-diabetic! imma stay up-healthed!
13:43 I love that. Do you love me? ?? ??❤️
9 fruits your doctor or indocrinology never tell you to eat for got your A1c lower
@eden anshar: Why?
I don’t eat any kind of fruit but only large amounts of vegetables with proteins and extra vergine olive oil ???
Thank you??????? for sharing this awesome information on diabetic and fruits ??????????????
Good to know! Thank you
Good. I wait for love from you ??
Thanks very much for the information it would be helpful
2:32 I like that?? ??❤️
Woow woow ?? ??❤️
Oh yeah. Do you love me? ?? ??❤️