The Balanced Plate – Diabetic Dinner
People with diabetes often feel like they can't eat anything and that cooking healthy is too difficult and takes too long. ProMedica Wellness Dietitian, Kinsy McNamee, is here to show you how you can have your pizza and eat it too all while getting dinner on the table in less than 15 minutes.
This is not enticing
That’s just not a healthy meal. I’m a diabetic and I would never eat that because it would send my glucose levels on automatic pilot to a coma. She’s not measuring carbs, the amounts of ingredients and they are processed, frozen out of plastic bags. A healthy diet and exercise is key to keep me on acceptable levels of blood sugars and fresh ingredients is of paramount importance. This pizza recipe is not healthy to a non diabetic, let alone a full blown type 2 like myself. Furthermore, if it takes 10 minutes baking time, it is not a 10 minute meal given the prep time, a 5 year old can figure that.
Bottom line; take your time to prepare good and balanced meals with fresh/in season ingredients and stay away from processed food full of added sugar and conservatives with poor nutritional value.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!
PS: She no longer works for pro-medica and now works for CVS. (
She’s a saleswoman and likely receives commissions from vendors. I hope these videos will be removed because they are of no value to diabetics seeking proper diet guidance.
thank you !
I am confused, what is diabetic friendly about this? Just adding a salad to everything does not make it diabetic friendly.
If you use Ole tortillas that I learned from the “Beat Diabetes” Guy, each tortilla is 4 grams of carbs. So, you can have a personal size pizza with about 10 grams of carbs total.
Portion control is important too
Too many carbs…go keto. ?
Revolting. She certainly is not worth following.
I am sick of type 2 meals that use highly processed foods. I want whole foods.
She has no idea what she’s talking about
If you use Ole tortillas that I learned from the “Beat Diabetes” Guy, each tortilla is 4 grams of carbs. So, you can have a personal size pizza with about 10 grams of carbs total.
All my 20 years of living I’ve never seen frozen onions?
@Butterflysnme2 oh ok lol
@brittanygooden13 lol
@Mélanie Hautcoeur lol
For lazy people lol
I’ve seen them in a bag of mixed vegetables but not on their own. But then again I wasn’t looking for them.
She seems more concerned about the fats than the sugars
The music is a bit loud!
The peppers and onions look so watery and unappealing. I think at least thawing them and draining them a few minutes in a strainer would help a lot.
Agree. I’d sautee or sweat them a bit in a pan just to dry them out.
I’m glad you pointed this out, if you didnt, i would have
I know I could make a healthier pizza than THAT and I’m no dietician. I would start with a cauliflower crust. I would use FRESH vegetables instead of frozen (blech). It only takes a minute to slice an onion and a pepper. I would use some nice fresh herbs like basil and definitely less sauce so it’s not a soggy mess. Mmm. I’m getting hungry.
What? No garlic, oregano or basil?!
Diabetics and carbs don’t mix well.
Well you need carbs but it’s all about fresh ingredients and portion control
If you use Ole tortillas that I learned from the “Beat Diabetes” Guy, each tortilla is 4 grams of carbs. So, you can have a personal size pizza with about 10 grams of carbs total.
What about the carbs, i notice in your recipes you are not really concern about carbs which raise your blood sugar
If you use Ole tortillas that I learned from the “Beat Diabetes” Guy, each tortilla is 4 grams of carbs. So, you can have a personal size pizza with about 10 grams of carbs total.
I’m diabetic. Please make salad for me , that I can make and eat .I’m Indian ( not Apache) from India. Thanks for your videos. Salisbury Park .
She never says anything about carbs. Lots of carbs in this meal..
If you use Ole tortillas that I learned from the “Beat Diabetes” Guy, each tortilla is 4 grams of carbs. So, you can have a personal size pizza with about 10 grams of carbs total.
One crazy lady….