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5 tips to treat Diabetic Neuropathy naturally – Dr. Farida Khan

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition where a particular never will be damaged due to long term of diabetes. So there are many types of diabetic neuropathy, but the common thing is the peripheral neuritis. Where the lower extremities will be affected, the main symptoms of diabetic neuropathy is burning sensation, pain in the extremities and sometimes numbness. The Ayurvedic solution for diabetic neuropathy is first proper diet and half an hour to one hour exercise, physical activities, always protect your legs by wearing chappals or shoes and always make sure you are dipping your legs in warm water whenever you are coming back from your walk or any kind of physical activities, the home remedies are Ayurvedic herbal remedy for diabetic neuropathy is first is turmeric. How is turmeric going to help in diabetic neuropathy it turmeric is anti-inflammatory in activity and has the capacity to detoxify the cell and also it will remove the blocks in the nerve and nourish the nerves so that the pain will be reduced and also the patient can feel comfort in walking and there will not be any kind of pricking or any numbness the second remedy for diabetic neuropathy is fenugreek, methi seeds or leaf because it is having the capacity to slow down the metabolism of carbohydrates so that it can reduce the diabetes to some extent. So the patient can see the changes in the diabetic neuropathic symptoms.



    1. maxim maxim

      Nice Video! Forgive me for the intrusion, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard the talk about – Taparton Sturdy Nerves Takeover (google it)? It is an awesome one of a kind product for Getting rid of Neuropathy without the headache. Ive heard some super things about it and my m8 at very last got astronomical success with it.

    1. mykasiurka

      Cheers for this, been searching for “can a prediabetic have peripheral neuropathy?” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Piyatalie Breathtaking Precedence – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? It is a good one off guide for discovering how to get rid of type two diabetes minus the headache. Ive heard some great things about it and my colleague got great success with it.

    2. Lil PaErCy JnR

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    1. charlee WILLIS

      I’ve had lots of tests by the physicians, and still no known cause for it. I actually do take some drugs but it only managed to relieve the pain and also the tingling but not my stiffed toes. After trying this neuropathy treatment method https://t.co/gbnp0hUiib I was able to move my toes very easily again after a long time. I also feel a lot better in general.?

  1. Gunjan Sharma

    Madam people goggle in utube so that they have the solutions for there condition and Dr. like you share there thoughts but madam pls don’t give adhura gyan / half knowledge . As you told turmeric & Fenugreek how patient consume and in what quantity …..if you add in the above video or make another video then people will give you blessings sometimes earning is not matter .Regards

    1. Daniela Tomescu

      Great Video clip! Forgive me for chiming in, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you researched – Sondeline Bewildering System (should be on google have a look)? It is a great one off guide for saying goodbye to your painful diabetic nerves and neuropathy minus the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my friend finally got cool success with it.

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