Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Simplified
Watch as I take you down my Critical Thinking Journey!!!! What is DKA? Remember its a life threatening complication in patients with Diabetes when theres a major deficiency of insulin. This leads the body to starve and burn fatty acids causing the individual to go into a Metabolic Acidotic state leading to coma…
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The opinions expressed in this video on this channel are not necessarily of those hospitals where I work, or their affiliated institutions.
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Great video! Very well explained
i clicked for the helpful info. stayed for it AND his voice <333 OMG!
Thank you so much for this video. I shared it with my class of RN students today and thy all loved you. Your teaching style is amazing and also you managed to make them think. I believe you need to consider teaching. You embody the passion of a great nurse, but also you showcase in a fun and educational way the knowledge that goes behind it, and the amount of critical thinking. Thank you.
+Alexander Anthony
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You’re a beast! I hope I can get to your level by the time I graduate! Lots of good information but slow down a little bit I had to keep rewinding cuz I was trying to take notes. But that just shows how much you know your stuff Respect.
Thanks man!
We need more of you on our college, it would literally save the 10 hours we spend with boring lectures!
can you become a nurse educator please? you embody the characteristics of both a knowledgeable nurse and have a great clear cut way of explaining things that make the subject fun. First time I felt intrigued learning about Diabetic ketoacidosis
Bravo Bravo Bravissimo. I’ m a consultant for Emergency Medicine and all I can tell you: Compliments for your enthusiasm and great way to motivate and explain. I hope this wonderful qualities of you are very appreciated by your fellow doctors 😉
You are saving the sanity of nursing student’s, thank you!! 😀
OMGoodness! this video is amazing!!! You made it so easy to remember. I’m reviewing for my final and everything came back to me so easily. Love your energy, makes me want to learn. lol!
This was an amazing video! i love the way you relate the pathophysiology to the presenting symtpoms of the patient. it really helps. Would be absolutely lovely if you could cover more conditions 😀 i personally think the pace is perfect….cause its short but sweet. there is always the pause button to use which i did use but i can definitely see myself returning back to this video closer to exams just cause its so short and concise
I really appreciate this video I have my Pathophysiology final tomorrow and I needed a clarification!
Great video! I started following you as I have been doing extensive research on the nursing field-At this point I am only at the prerequisite stage of my training hoping to apply to a nursing program within a year from now(my second career) but I enjoy listening to the clinical stuff and I think this way when it comes to medical stuff so I cannot wait to be able to know all the technical language-thanks for the inspiration!!
I have a paper due on DKA this is PERFECT thanks
You have some good content (very informative), but I think you need to slow down a little bit when you’re talking. I’m in second year and I’m able to keep up (without any distractions), but you gotta remember that there are students who are brand new to the nursing realm that might be watching your videos, and they might not be able to keep up when you talk so fast. Also, some visuals would be great with your content. That is all. Great video, otherwise.
Thank you so much. I really liked the video. Can you do a whole series of med surg simulations. Like sepsis, stemi, seisures. etc?
I’ve been in DKA before. I’m a type one diabetic and this video is spot on! well done. 🙂
Cool info.
Here’s what I do: (9 years ER , 5 years ICU my experience)
RBS, IV, labs including acetone (not necessarily abg right away because not everyone will be in DKA), fluids, EKG, place on monitor.
(Then calculate anion gap) and of course while your doing all this you have better let a charge or provider know because yes all this were going to do but “ordering ” things is above the NPA. And have to protect your liscence. ✌?️.
A 1 HR BG check, q4 Chem panels, and of course “no brainer” they’ll be admitted specifically ICU.
OMG thank you! I needed to know DKA for clinical tomorrow and everything I read about it was so complicated. You are awesome!
Thanks for the video. I was able to keep up and I enjoyed how to talked about the treatment priorities for the patient. Could you continue to do videos like this where you talk about a patient coming in presenting with particular symptoms and explain what you believe would be the best things to do?