Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) | (Urdu/Hindi) | AB Hassan Azdee | Biochemist
This lectures explains about diabetic ketoacidosis that how and why our body produce ketone bodies and what complications they have. Symptoms, diagnosis, complications and treatment is also given in detail.
, Diabetes Mellitus
…, Diabetes Mellitus Type 1| Part 2
…, Glycolysis made easy
…, Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates (Urdu/Hindi)
…, Introduction to Carbohydrates
…, Digestion of lipids
…, Absorption Of lipids
…, Digestion and absorption of proteins
, Regulation of Glycolysis | Metabolism I (Urdu/Hindi)
, Krebs cycle | Metabolism I Cellular Respiration
, Regulation of Krebs cycle | Metabolism I Cellular Respiration I
What is ketoacidosis coma? Heartbeat of patient can be feel in this state or a very highly equipped instrument to check the heartbeat?
Well explained
informational video ..good