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Natural Treatments and Home Remedies for Diabetes

Effective diabetes management requires a healthy lifestyle which includes a regular balanced diet, regular exercise and sensible weight control. Diet counts a lot in controlling blood sugar level.

There are certain foods that may help you to control your diabetes while on the other hand some foods must be avoided. You must be aware of all the vegetables and fruits that may affect your blood sugar levels.

According to Ayurveda, some herbs are very beneficial in lowering blood sugar level. Herbs like bitter gourd, curry leaves, garlic, and a lot more help you to control your diabetes. Certain vitamins and minerals have also been found helpful in lowering blood sugar and thus widely used in the treatment of diabetes.

Also controlling your weight is the best way to treat diabetes. Yoga and morning walk are highly recommended to control diabetes. An exercise program should be started only with the advice of a health expert to avoid unnecessary complications. Walking, jogging and swimming are also good.

Natural Treatments for Diabetes
1. Herbs for Diabetes
2. Diabetes Foods
3. Diabetes Diet
4. Diabetes Vitamins and Minerals
5. Diabetes Exercises
6. Diabetes and Yoga

These natural treatments facilitate normal functioning of the body organs whose working may have been adversely affected by high sugar in the bloodstream.

Home Remedies for Diabetes
Garlic is also helpful in controlling your blood sugar level. Eating 2-4 cloves of garlic every day helps in treating the diabetic complications of vascular and neurobiological nature.

Cinnamon is also an effective home remedy for diabetes. Eat at least one teaspoon of cinnamon (dal-chini) powder daily.

Indian gooseberry (amlaki) is a rich source of vitamin C and serves as one of the best diabetes home remedies. Take one tablespoon of gooseberry juice and mix it with a cup of bitter gourd juice. Eat the mixture daily for about 2-3 months.

Eat fresh, tender curry leaves twice a day to reduce sugar level. It is a simple and effective home remedy for diabetes.

Take some tender guava leaves and three grams of cumin seeds. Crush them together. Boil with one glass of water till the total volume reduces to half. Drink two or three times a day for a good result.

Drink one litre of cinnamon water daily. Cinnamon contains a chemical compound that helps to control blood sugar naturally in the body. Add three tablespoon of cinnamon to one litre of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes in a low flame, and then filter the mixture.

Drink eight glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and walk for one hour.


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