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Acupressure Points For NEUROPATHY || DIABETIC Neuropathy || PERIPHERAL Neuropathy || In Hindi

acupressure points for neuropathy || diabetic neuropathy || peripheral neuropathy || in hindi

very effective solution for the Treatment of Neuropathy , diabetic or peripheral Neuropathy relief with this single Acupressure Point

Acupressure points for Foot Neuropathy

press this Acupressure Point for Neuropathy just for two minutes only and you will relieve Neuropathy symptoms
in this video you will learn location of this Acupressure Point for Neuropathy , how to press this Acupressure Point for diabetic neuropathy , how apply seed or magnet on this Acupressure Point for PERIPHERAL Neuropathy


video summary :

name of this Acupressure Point is ST 40

Press this Acupressure Point for two minutes then treat it with magnet Therapy or seed Therapy
For magnet Therapy, you have to use small size magnet it’s called byol magnet , characteristics of this byol magnet is that it has two surfaces – one is white and other is yellow , if you apply white surface to the Acupressure Point , energy in the organ related to this Acupressure Point will reduce and if you apply yellow surface to this Acupressure Point , energy in the organ related to this point will increase , here we want to INCRESE the energy, so we have to apply YELLOW surface of this magnet to this Acupressure Point , take half inch wide paper tape , apply magnet on it in such a way that you can see white surface from front side and yellow surface from back of tape, now apply this magnet to this Acupressure Point , you can keep this magnet whole day long or six hours a day or apply at night before sleep and remove in the morning , you can use this magnet again and again , so it becomes very cost effective Treatment .

If you don’t have magnet you can treat this Acupressure Point by seed Therapy , for seed Therapy you can use small size seeds like green gram or fenugreek seeds or others, here I am going to use FENUGREEK seeds, apply some seeds on half inch wide paper tape , now apply this tape to our Acupressure Point , like magnet you can keep these seeds for whole day long or six hours a day or from night to morning , if you are applying these seeds at day time and you have time you can press these seeds for one minute , you will get good and fast results , but like magnet you can not use these same seeds again as seeds have healing power or germinating energy that can be utilized for the Treatment of our Disease or Problem, So these seeds are now worthless for our Treatment , for next time application you have to take fresh seeds

Disclaimer : These videos are only intended for informational purpose.Any information associated with these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by LOCAL beauty, diet and health care professionals.Viewers are subjected to use these information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this.

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  1. Kirti Chawla

    Hlo sir mera left side head mein achank kampan start ho jata h jiske karan face per bhi hand mein bhi kampan start ho jata h kya kru plz tell me mujhe left side cervical ki bhi problem h

    1. Digi White

      This is glorious, been searching for “what’s the best thing to soak your feet in?” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Donackenzar Prominent Domination – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? It is a smashing one off product for discovering how to get rid of your neuropathy and diabetic nerve pain minus the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my mate got cool results with it.

  2. Uttam Mahindrakar

    मुझे २०११ से Type-2 डायबेटीस है।
    दवाओं से काफी.. नियंत्रण मे रही।
    पिछले १ महिने से.. पैरों के तलवों मे अंगार/जलन हो रही है।
    हर शाम को मै पानी मे तेल डाल कर १०-१५ मिनीट डूबोके रखता हूँ। (Hydro Therapy).. । उसके बाद तलवो मे चीरें होने कारण.. व्हँसलीन, Cotaryl, और पतंजली का Crackgel इस्तेमाल करता हूँ।
    डॉ. साब, क्रुपया मार्गदर्शन करे।
    ।। धन्यवाद।।
    रात मे तेज जलन रहती है।

  3. Shabana Khatoon

    Sir, i am suffering from peripheral neuropathy due to vitamin B12 deficiency. I have numbness radiated upward to both knees with tingling and burning sensation
    To both feet n am 8 months pregnant….pls guide me, can i follow the acupressure points.

    1. Jose Perez

      Ignasia Desouza,There are many factors in natural remedies for neuropathy. One resource I found that successfully combines these is the Gabs Neuro Guide (check it out on google) it’s the best blueprint that I have ever seen. look at all the amazing info .

  4. Deepika Lakhina

    What kind of doctor are you? You mentioned in your disclaimer that u are not responsible which means you are not a doctor. So please close your shop and stop giving solutions for such a big health problems

    1. Apaka Health Guru

      Acupressure therapist
      Sujok Therapist
      Yoga training
      Yes you are right
      I have added disclaimer
      As there is no therapy that can give results to all so we have to do this
      Sorry for that

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