Best 5 Fruits for the Diabetics | What Fruits are Good for Diabetics | Superfoods for Diabetics
Best Fruits for the Diabetics, What Fruits are Good for Diabetics:
Let's discuss about the best 5 fruits for the Diabetics.
Ever wondered, why there has been an upsurge on Google searches about what fruits and foods are beneficial for a Diabetic patient? Don’t ever be misled by anyone saying that Diabetes can be completely cured! No, it cannot be!!! But, yes, it can surely be controlled!! Diabetes is a slow, but sure shot killer!
The only hope to survive with Diabetes, is to keep a vigilance over your Diabetic diet plan.
So, if you have Diabetes, follow these 5 Diabetic friendly fruits to improve your sugar control and Antioxidant levels.
You must be aware of the fact, that not all fruits are advised for the Diabetes patients, because almost all fruits have high fruit sugar content, which is fructose. Even a piece of mango can shoot up the blood sugar to a very high level. That’s why it is essential to know what fruits are actually do more good than harm to a Diabetic patient. Having a Diabetes doesn’t mean you should avoid all carbohydrates, but you should definitely keep a watch your portion sizes.
Needless to explain the well known health benefits of berries. Loaded withAnti-oxidants, they help you to fight against oxidative stress, thus protecting you from various cancers and toxic metabolites. Blue berries have considerable amount of collagen building nutrient, that prevents the stiffening of the joints in a Diabetic patient, and are also known as Anti-aging berries.
In one study it was claimed that, Strawberries actually help in killing liver cancer cells too. Blackberries has the potential to keep a good check on the cholesterol levels of a Diabetic patient.
There is a strong point why I am so much in a favor of this special fruit for the Diabetics! It’s sweet, it’s loaded with vitamins and finally despite of it’s sweet taste, it doesn’t shoot up the glucose levels, unlike other carbohydrate rich fruits. Dried apricots are even better because, they are readily available as an instant food for the diabetic patients. It has a good quantity of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese and Fiber, which keeps you full and checks instant rise of your post-prandial blood sugar levels.
Nutritional value as equal to the Apricots, the peaches helps to enhance your metabolism and lose weight. I am against the canned / preserved peaches, as the added sugar content is huge. Apart from Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium and Fiber, peaches are rich in Iron. This helps to fight against anemia in the Diabetic patients.
Again, its the same reason why pears are good for the diabetic patients. Sweet in taste, but with low Glycemic Index, these fruits are good source of many vitamins and fiber. There is no other better reason, why Diabetic patients shouldn’t consume pears.
Apples are the best fruits in the whole world. They are packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins, fiber, and so much of good stuff, that you’d not like to miss, if you’re really serious about your Diabetes. Apples are also known to prevent the development of neural problems like, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc. Though bananas are also excellent fruits, but they have a higher Glycemic Index as compared to the above fruits.
Eating right is the only way to stay healthy for the diabetic patients. Remember to check your sugar weekly, walk daily and eat right! This is the best way to survive the Diabetes complications. Thank you for visiting, eat healthy and stay fit! Best wishes..!
Thank you Dr.Goyal for your honesty and advice. I was just diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes and looking for resources or guidance. Your’s is by far one of the most sound.
@tra nguyen ..
In terms of information about general health as well as diabetes treatment method, I find this easy to follow and extremely sensible. Through this program, you could change your diet and lifestyle without being particular about your carb or calorie. My transition to a healthier lifestyle has not just helped me shed pounds but also recover from diabetic issues as well as high blood pressure! It`s factual that you truly could change diabetes..?
@Lyn Neufeld look up low carb diets ,
Cheers for this, been searching for “which fruit is a cross between a peach and a plum?” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Giyaarter Unflappable Gratification – (search on google ) ? It is a smashing one off product for learning what to eat to balance hormones and eliminating trouble fat spots minus the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my work buddy got amazing success with it.
I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
Thank you for this video, I am using Freestyle Libre sensor from last 2 years and I bought Waterproof Nightrider BluCon a couple of months back to see my glucose values on my Apple Watch and phone. Also, share my blood glucose values with my doctor through their Followblucon app. A great product to use, and as per me, every diabetic person should have one.
Be immune with vitamins D,C to fight covid as God Jesus fought against sin,death,hell,devil,illness,bad habits by His death n ressurrection on 3rd day. Trust Him 4 strength n heaven. C ‘Jesus’ heals in google..!……!..!..
Wonderful knowledge. Thank you for sharing this knowledge.
Thank you for the info Doctor.
Thanks Goyal, But you forget to tell Red banana’s benefit.
I have to disagree with you, I am a perfect ? example, I was a type two diabetic , I found the cure.
Dia-bet -tic All you need is to change your Diet……
@hapeta24 thank you so much ❤️❤️ so u never got on insulin injections ?? It’s been 6 months since i’ve been diagnosed and now my fasting sugar levels are 100-105 and random are not more than 140
@Badeeha Ijaz glucophage is a trade name for metformin. If you want to get off meds you can by doing a low carb diet BUT.. You need to keep track of blood sugars with regular testing and follow the advice of your doctor or nurse.
I wasn’t at the stage where i suffered sugar lows but my need for metformin dropped sharply once I was on a low carb diet- with some low impact exercise – walking and exercise bike .Within 12 months was off metformin , amlipodine statin down 20kgs in weight .In fact blood sugars had dropped to the point i could to reduce metformin within 2 weeks of starting. I had been slowly increasing amounts over the previous 10 years. You have to be careful because of your diabetes so look for a local doctor or nurse who can mentor you about low carb living but don’t have any doubt it can be done. Lopok up Dr Carynn Zinn , Dr Sten Ekberg , Dr Eric Berg.
@hapeta24 i have the same problem! Type 2 ! But i am on glucophage for now and i am 22 years old ! What if i always have a good control will i stay on my glucophage or i will be shifted on insulin?
@Badeeha Ijaz glucose / fructose it’;s all sugar / carbs -reduce the carbs you reduce the need for insulin- if you think diabetes is not scary you are dreaming.. I have diabetes type 2 and control it with a low carb diet. as they did before insulin came along. I was on metformin and about to start with insulin when I went on to a low carb lifestyle 2 1/2 years ago. All my HbA1C readings/blood pressure and cholesterol readings are now in the normal range.I am now in the position of being able to have “treats” and the occasional high carb splurge with out any worries..
@hapeta24 i think you need to do some research, pls don’t make diabetes a scary thing for people and don’t complicate things ! Diabetics can eat everything all they need to do is watch their portion size and fruits do not have glucose they contain fructose! Yes there are certain fruits that are extremely high in sugar but other than those you can have them including apples peach pear guavas ! Also learn to respect other’s opinions! Pls go and study about these things and maybe then you can have yhe audacity to comment
Could you,please,give amount of sugar of each fruit in 1cup?Thank you.
Dr Goyal
Thank u for ur reply. I respect ur qualifications & not questioning it. I have followed some who are also qualified doctors curing diabetes. They have thousands of people following their adv which has strong medical foundation. We can agree to disagree. You keep doing your good work. I m retired Anaesthesiologist & do lot of research on diet & nutrition as i do voluntary community work to assist people to keep good health & manage their medical issues.
God bless you.
Thanks for this info. I will start buying these fruit more!
Thank you for the healthy advice where we in the pacific diagnosed with high diabetes of our island foods.
Your advice is most welcome
Thanks Dr. Goyal For this info you had sent to us diabetic person
Sir, could you please clarify, do we need to take milk products in case of high sugar
@Dr Navneet Goyal Are all Apples good, even golden apples??
Moderation as per your sugar control and advise from your Diabetes specialist
Why are the fruits I don’t like are good and the ones I like are no good! ☹️
Whilst reading this , my blood sugar level is 300 and my A1c was 11.5%. That is what I have come across two months ago. I exactingly adopted it . And it worked for me personally. I could not contain my joy as I discovered that my average PP sugar level was lowered to One hundred forty.
There is a cure for diabetes. What men can’t cure but only Jesus Christ can cure. Nothing is too hard for God that he can not do. Jesus Christ can heal, amen.
My prayers are with you.
Diabetes is one of those diseases that can be reversed. I like to say reversed because it takes day after day to reverse it with the right nutrition and medicine
@Vicky Marinou plz dont treat the patients unless you’re a registered medical practitioner.
@Dr Navneet Goyal ñ
@Vicky Marinou can you really follow what our ancestors ate and the way they lived even in the 21st century…? If yes, you can really see great results. But, hardly a few can sustain on that diet. Don’t you agree?
For how long can you last on the diet that never suites you? Later on when you switch in to your regular diet, your body again goes back into the same shape and order.
Sir. My husband blood sugar fasting is 140 and when he does in evening it’s 110 to 105. He’s not taking any kind of medicine. Please reply.
He needs to avoid carbohydrates, eAt higher natural proteins with their fat, have 1 or 2 meals per day only and water fast 3 to 5 days per month
I am not supposed to answer your medical queries. Please get in touch with a diabetologist for such health concerns.
@Dr Navneet Goyal TC
Is it possible to remove it without medicine?
I thought I just heard that dried apricots were not good for diabetics! They contain too much sugar. Now, I’m confused.
Guava (4.9 grams of sugar, 7.9 grams of carb, and 3 grams of fiber per fruit): You can slice and eat guavas, including the rind. Some people enjoy dipping them in salty sauces. They are the low-sugar exception to generally sugary tropical fruits