Best Drugs and Natural Remedies for Neuropathy
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Hello there, my name is Daniela Petrache, and I am a medical doctor who specialized in diabetology, nutrition, and metabolic disorders.
The idea for my English YouTube channel came from a lot of foreign patients visiting Romania that entered my office after watching my Romanian YouTube channel. I would like to mention a couple from Canada, who was watching my Romanian YouTube channel and who figured it out as being about nutrition and diabetes. They asked me why no videos in English. Both of them were so kind and willing to learn that I said to myself, why not? Let's do it. I hope you are watching guys because your words meant a lot to me, and thanks to them I am here now.
As I said before, I am a diabetologist, and I practice medicine with love and care for almost ten years now. The videos to follow are meant to teach you about diabetes and mainly about diabetes control.
Subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell so that you will be able to learn everything you need to know about diabetes and living a healthy long life. I am Doctor Petrache, and before we meet again, please take care of your body and soul.
Tags: Best Drugs and Natural Remedies for Neuropathy, best drugs for neuropathy, best natural remedies for neuropathy, natural remedies, natural remedies neuropathy, neuropathy, polyneuropathy, neuropathy treatment, diabetes complications, treatment for neuropathy, natural treatment, natural treatment for neuropathy
Very interesting! Thanks for the information! Happy New Year!
Thank you!
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