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Bitter melon for Diabetes: A Real Natural Diabetic Supplement?

Dr. Ergin (SugarMD) talks about bitter melon for diabetes. Is bitter melon a good natural diabetic supplement? How does SugarMD Advanced Glucose Support Supplement provide bitter melon/bitter gourd and other natural herbal ingredients? See the link below for the best way to get your SugarMD supplement.

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Regardless of your diabetes type (type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes), you will find plenty of diabetes control tips in the SugarMD channel by Dr. Ergin. We have a lot of content around foods to eat when you have diabetes, diabetic recipes, exercise videos, diabetic supplements, herbs, natural remedies, regular medications, and more. We talk about normal blood sugar levels, how to keep blood sugar as close to normal as possible without sacrificing your entire diet. How to make a diabetic diet more enjoyable while creating a diabetic meal plan. And, most of all we support and help each other learn and stay strong against this ugly chronic disease.
SugarMD combines holistic and evidence-based medicine and serves you the best of both worlds without bias.

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Ahmet Ergin, MD, FACE, CDCES, ECNU Endocrinologist, Diabetes Educator www.SugarMDs.com Ahmet Ergin, MD, is a specialist physician in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. He is interested in preventive cardiology as well. He has been practicing for over 10 years, having seen over 30,000 patients in his career so far. He speaks science and is proud to educate his patients with real data rather than hearsay. To become a patient please call 772 398 7814. You have to be a Florida Resident to be a patient. Thank you!

For collaboration requests please email me:ask@sugarmds.com- ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????????.

Disclaimer: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.

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#type2diabetes #type1diabetes #diabeticmealplan



  1. Kendall Marquardt

    Adding Bitter Melon, Mulberry leaf and Berberine to my supplement and vitamin regime made a huge difference in my glucose levels. Bitter Melon was the big one; more of what I noticed when I ran out! Lower glucose and helped with insulin sensitivity. Metformin did not really work. Now I’m hitting some “normal” glucose numbers. I also fast 16/8 working to 20/4 and that is a big factor as well. I’m finding I “need” to eat less and less, minimize carbs, green smoothies without fruit (see Dr. Brooke Goldner Goodbuy to Lupus), ACV and HIIT exercise. Everyone is different though, this is just what works for me. I did not know about Bitter Melon and cholesterol, and that’s great. I just don’t tolerate (nor want to) pharmaceuticals well at all. Your videos – they are fun and engaging – and information have helped guide my path and given me more hope that I can beat diabetes. Very difficult to find a physician that doesn’t just want to write you a script.

    1. Judy Wijesinghe

      @AKHWJ3STI have been taking metformin all most 12. Years. 850. Milligrams Each time twais a day! Lunch and dinner. So I am tired OF metformin. So now for one month I am eating bitter Mellon twais a day.I feel that I am ok.I am not eating sweet’s.I am taking this break only for one month. Time to time I am taking a break.

    2. D K

      Eat it Raw with seeds also.
      Best way found was wash under tap.
      Cut both ends and grate it first
      And then eat it.
      Slowly and surely will get used to taste of bitterness after a few days.
      No sugar or Salt ever.
      If need be eat a fresh grape or two afterwards.

    1. Tony Cardall

      @AKHWJ3ST it’s going very well . I’ve been diabetic for 14 months ,lost 104 lb thanks to a low carb diet . I am an addict when it comes to blood sugar testing and my fasting morning levels are always in the low 4’s .I take my supplements with my morning smoothie which seems to keep my levels good all day .

    1. Yolanda Dupres

      Well well we need some of your products shipped to be sold in St Lucia that is in the Caribbean I need to get your supplements I am so glad I came across your site?❤

  2. Ingrid Alonzo

    It’s a great veggie I cut it in slices and put crust garlic, one table spoon of vinegar two tablespoons lemon juice and salt to taste mixed and enjoy keep it in the fridge and eat small amount or as a snack

  3. Daniela Ilona

    Ohhh I love it , it’s one of my favourites ?I put it in salt for overnight to reduce the bitterness and I cook it in the morning with some eggs and it’s delicious ?

  4. suuban farah

    Assalama Alaiykum Dr. Jazakallah khair for good information you always shering us. May Allah to guide and protect you.
    Am diagnosed something they call LADA or 1.5, also I take insulin 4 or more times aday. Can I take advance glucose Support with insulin? Also any advice you can help me please. My sugar isn’t stable for 5 years up to now.
    Jazakallah khair Dr.

    1. Sandra Martinez

      @SugarMD Wow, they really do work!!! So after a meal, I’m always over 250 and today I took it with lunch, checked my sugar an hour later and it was 151. Couldn’t believe it if I’m being honest. Thank you!!!! Will continue to purchase.

  5. Leo

    Hi Dr. Ergin, thanks for introducing your SugarMD Advanced Glucose Support. Currently, I’m taking Benfotiamine 300mg capsule once a day along with my own multi-vitamin for men. Maybe I should wait ’til I finish Benfotiamine first and then I might consider taking your product. Talking about bitter melon, I’m Chinese. The Chinese name for bitter melon is called “Fu Gua.” I occasionally cook “Fu Gua” in Chinese style by cutting them into slices along with Chinese black bean sauce mixed with garlic & ginger (pretty salty) and then add slices of tender beef (flank steak) along with Chinese condiments such as oyster sauce “ho yao” or soy sauce ” si yao” and then enjoy. Mmmm, yummy?? I usually go to Los Angeles, CA Chinatown, to buy them pre-made as well. I first learned how to cook them from my mother and I often cook like her. I loved “Fu Gua” as well as broccoli beef (Chinese style of course). Once again, thanks for sharing with us this valuable information about “Fu Gua.” Both “Fu Gua & broccoli are anti-cancer veggies. Amen to that. ??✌???.

    1. Leo

      @supernova4life1 I’ve just found out that Benfotiamine doesn’t do much for me, My blood sugar is still the same. But, I’m gonna try the other formula called Dr. Ergin’s Advanced Glucose Support & see what happens. Hope for the best.

  6. Kalyna Rose

    Hi Dr, I just ordered the 3 bottle package. I just wanted to make sure I understand this, there are 60 pills per bottle and you are recommending that we take a total of 4 pills per day. So it would take 2 bottles to make it through the month. Am I understanding that correctly? Also do I take it before meal or with meal? Thank you for your response.

  7. Asima Rahim

    Yes doc you are 100 percent correct. You can also get it in powder form called Karella powder. I have it in water it stabilizes your blood sugar. Tried and tested. Thanx a million

  8. Mohammad Zulkifli Ismail

    I’ve tried mixing half teaspoon of bitter melon powder in a glass of water. After two days my blood sugar plummeted to 3.6. My normal blood sugar is about 6.5. At 3.6, i started to tremble. Now I’m taking it at a quarter teaspoon and every other day. Blood sugar is at 5.9 now.

  9. optimistic20

    Thank you so much for your channel Dr..is it ok if I make bitter melon juice mixed with another type of fruit to make the tase better? I have gestational diabetes

  10. Fedora The Explorer

    I am not diabetic, but I love eating the raw bitter melon with tomatoes, turned into a salad. But I’ll definitely get this supplements whenever I have the chance. Thanks for the video.

    1. Lise Plans and Journals

      I like to have it with onions, and some lemon juice or acv if I don’t have it. Pickled, sort of. My grandparents grew the plant when they were alive & I grew up eating it everytime I was at their house. Not diabetic either. The taste doesn’t bother me at all but most people look at me like I’m crazy when I buy it?

  11. cetin metin

    Bitter melon is a tall and voluminous plant with red seeds inside, hollow inside, first green and then yellow in color, with a bubbly surface on the outside.
    The pancreas is similar to the “bitter melon” fruit in its blistering texture, shape and length.
    As the name suggests, bitter melon tastes bitter.
    The color of the digestive enzymes and bile fluid is green and yellow and has a bitter taste.
    Bitter melon is hollow.
    The stomach, gallbladder, intestines, and uterus are empty inside.
    The grains in bitter melon are similar in shape and color to red blood cells.
    The gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, and intestines are organs responsible for digestion.
    Bitter melon can be therapeutic in diseases of the pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, intestine, digestive system in general.
    Bitter melon can be healing in uterine diseases.
    Especially the inner kernels of bitter melon can be useful in anemia.
    The avocado is similar in color and shape to the gallbladder.
    Pistachios are similar in color and shape to the gallbladder.
    Both herbs can be beneficial in gallbladder diseases.
    The outermost soft cover of all nuts may represent human skin, the hard shell underneath may represent human bones, and the fatty tissue inside the shell may represent our internal organs.
    Recall that the walnut is similar in shape to the brain.

  12. suzanna Lytle

    I take Bitter melon (capsules) and my A1C went from 9.4 to 5.3 and was able to come off my Glipizide and Metformin. It’s been a lifesaver for me. I was so lucky that I was working as a night-shift waitress when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and one of my regulars told me that his little Asian grandmother used something called bitter melon.

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