Diabetes In Cats: Best Home Remedies
Cat Health and Nutrition Webinar:
Dr Jones' cat Murray is on 3 things that have treated his diabetes; his cat is no longer on Insulin!
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Thank you so much!! You are such a blessing to many people. Have a wonderful weekend.
You’re welcome! Please feel free to share this video so we can reach more people. ??
@Veterinary Secrets Hello. Could you please do a tutorial on bird health & ailments. I had a 9 year old pet white Turkey (Goblin) who died earlier this year from some kind of dysentery. My vet wasn’t much help, they’re predominantly livestock & cat/dogs, they know nothing about large birds. I googled everything I could find, I used adjwain seed tea, boiled nettle water, electrolytes, to no avail. As a last ditch effort, after four days, vet finally conceded to give me some tetra antibiotic powder to go into his water. It was too late, he’d stopped drinking. He died. There’s nothing anywhere about birds unless it’s in hindi. And can’t source the pharmaceuticals here as they’re able to. Your help would be very much appreciated. ?
@Veterinary Secrets Also, thank you so very much for the coconut oil hair ball remedy! My dogs cough is improving & she’s pooping out hair. (ergh, gory details. yes, Ive inspected her doggy do?)
It’s such a sad thing when our furry babies get stricken with serious illnesses. Thank you Dr. Jones for this valuable information and I pray the best for your little one!
Murray is such a big guy. He is a bit bigger than my big guy tuxedo Moonshine. So far no issues with my guy yet but will definitely keep this in mind if I begin to see signs of trouble. I would have never thought of the Nettle tea. I absolutely love that your channel is such a source of new learning and information. Murray is lucky to have such a devoted and intelligent human to hang with. I’m always amazed how animals know to respond to humans who care strongly for them. I once had a really big feral tuxedo show up at my sliding glass door a few days before a major hurricane. I welcomed him inside, ran to the store for a litterbox and food and told him he could stay as long as he wanted. He was perfectly content through the big storm and while the entire neighborhood was flooded. Within two days of the water levels receding he went to the door and loudly let me know he wanted to go outside. He would stop by every few weeks for treats and attention afterwards but never again wanted to hang out overnight. I eventually moved but still have fond memories of Mr. Shadow.
I used to have a cat that had diabetes and had to have shots every day I wish I would have had your help back then bless you for all your help and all you do you are awesome
At least you are now armed with this information in case you get another cat in the future ?
Thanks for bringing this to the table Doc . !!
Very true. I was able to cure a severely diabetic kitty by eliminating all dry food and switching over to meats.??It’s great to hear a vet share this.
@Kentucky Roads hi, can I give to my cat boiled chicken?
@Kentucky Roads can I give boiled chicken for cat with diabet?
@Akhan Alimbayev yes
how do you know if your cat is in remission from diabetes and doesn’t require insulin anymore?
@A Hos bloodwork at the vet.
My cat Mongo was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 10 (this was 2002). He was on a diet called obesity management(OM) which was at that time thought of as a good diet…. it was full of fiber (carbs).
After researching I switched him to a canned food diet: high protein/low carb and his diabetes went into remission…
Going forward after Mongo I have always fed my cats only canned food and none of them have become diabetic or got fat — they are all trim. Going forward from here I would probably feed my next ‘batch’ of cats homemade or Raw but I’ll have to wait till my current kitties are gone, which hopefully won’t be for a very long time!
Tammy, which canned food do you use that has high protein content? My past experience with canned food is that they’re much lower in protein than dry food. Would love to find some that have high protein.
thank you for the video so much.Can you please tell me what I need to give my cat Suzzie.
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Dr. Andrew..
I have come into something interesting that I’ve just now read about that I think might be important to address at the WEBINAR coming up…
What is CBG oil? (Please, thank you…)
How is it different from CBD oil?
Wanda Jones
Thank you Dr.Jones
What type of tea was that?
@Oceans 11.11 Nettle Tea
@Connie thank you!!
Murray trying to sneak some kibbles was hilarious ? Thank you for sharing such valuable information! Signing up to the webinar now.
Yet again another fantastic informative video, you are spoiling us!!! Keep up the good work, have just done the dog ear clean and the results are amazing, can truly recommend it. Thank you so much.
Doc you have my lifelong support, thank you for actually caring about the people instead of how most vets see their customers as dollar signs. Glad to have subscribed to you back when you had 34k subs.
Thank you so much for the support. I really appreciate it ??
@Veterinary Secrets np doc??
Ohhhh…this came a few days too late for my cat. He died a few days ago. RIP Barney
Thank you, Dr Jones, because I have another cat who is pre-diabetic. I’m trying to help him lose weight by raw feeding.
Just wanted to add, feeding kibble causes diabetes in cats, because as obligate carnivores, they cannot metabolize carbohydrates (a large part of kibble -even more expensive “grain-free” kibble). Canned foods also have so much junk in them, and most commercial raw/frozen/freeze-dried diets are made using high-pressure processing, which isn’t good, either. A homemade raw diet of primarily muscle & organ meat, bone (ground, or ground eggshell) is best.
I’m glad you look after Murray ? ?
Dr. Jones! Thank you soooo much for this video! Our cat is already improving! Meanwhile, we await our first jar of Ultimate Feline! 🙂 Also, I just have to say, you are sooo funny and it makes my day to watch your vids. Not only do I get great advice for my kitties, but a chuckle to make the day go by better as well! My best to you and your family and pets!
Dr. j , thanks for the very helpful videos showing the pet parents to help their furry kids! Your video on cannel cough was great help to Zaara, my 12 year old golden retriever. I took her to the vet but they could help her. My other furry kid , Motu got diabetic a year ago . He is getting insulin twice a day and his blood sugar level is getting nearly normal. I would like to give him the food you recommended . Where can I get the supplement you give to your furry kid?
You’re most welcome! You can get the Ultimate Feline supplement here: https://drjonesnaturalpet.com/
Hi Doc! I am a new subscriber! I wish I had known you before losing my dog on Nov 5, 2020 to stage 5 lymphoma. It happened so fast. Kona just turned 8 yrs old on Halloween 2020. I spent thousands for tests, diagnostics and (1) session of chemo.
Now, with my rat terrier left behind-I am considering taking care of my dog through your holistic approach. I will recommend all my fellow furparents about you.
Thank you, that’s great to hear! I am sorry to hear about your loss, I offer my condolences. I hope my videos help you with your dog now.
Murray is such a big wonderful cat! Congrats on getting his diabetes under control! Sharing this with Hippie Chick, her cat “banjo” was diagnosed about 5 months ago and since then getting daily shots because he was having trouble walking
Thanks Zanni
Hi Dr Jones! I am so happy I found your page. I just ordered your supplements because I am awaiting the return of my cat Baxter (15 yo). He was prescribed a steroid for asthma and it seems like it triggered diabetes in him. We took him in and they confirmed it and sent us home with insulin which didn’t seem to work. We took him back to vet and he is now on a insulin drip to get him regulated because his blood glucose was in the 700’s. They’re not sure if him not responding to the injections I performed was user error or insulin resistance. We are hoping the insulin injections will work this time around when we get him home, and we will be starting him on your supplements, the DM purina food (recommended by vet) and incorporating in the Nettle tea and some short walks. Our goal is remission.
I was wondering if you had any other advice or recommendations for food and if it turns out he can’t for some reason successfully receive the insulin injections. (Doc said in rare cases it doesn’t work because of insulin resistance)
I know you’re so busy, but if you have a change to answer I’d greatly appreciate the advice in this stressful time.
How is ur cat now ? I hope he is fine
Thank you so much for this video! My 10 year old cat was diagnosed with diabetes. I do not want him on insulin. So your video is so helpful. What kind of canned food do you feed? I don’t know if my cat will drink nettle tea but I can try it. I will order the supplement. Do you give raw organic chicken or cooked chicken breast? I have lot of other cats so should I follow the same routine for them all? I can not isolate my diabetic cat in a separate room as he is attached to my other cats
Hello, my cat Archie was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was put on insulin on four units twice a day. On the 5th day, he almost overdosed and it turned out that the dose was too high. After the overdose, it seems as my cat became neuropathy and he seems to be getting worst. The vet keeps telling me he might get better and has switched his dose down to 2 units. But I feel like the damage is done and my cat just isn’t the same. He looks very depressed. Is there hope for him?? Please help a broken hearted pet owner…