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Diabetes ka ilaj (in hindi) || Gharelu Upchar & Control Tips || 1mg

How to control diabetes? Diabetes का इलाज (treatment) क्या है?
आइये जानते है कुछ घरेलु उपचार और diabetes ke upchar से सम्बंधित जानकारी
क्या आपको पता है? Diabetes का कोई भी permanent (इलाज ) solution नहीं है .
लेकिन हम डायबिटीज का नियंत्रण कर सकते है.

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In this video, we discuss some scientific diabetes control tips (gharelu upchar/home remedies..and more) which you can use not only to control diabetes but also to reverse diabetes if you are at the initial stages of diabetes.

पूरी जानकारी के लिए वीडियो को एन्ड तक देखिये!
For complete information, watch the video till the end.

0:29 – diabetes myths
1:23 – diabetes home remedies
2:50 – diabetes exercise
3:33 – high level of diabetes
3:45 – uncontrolled diabetes
3:57 – commonly prescribed medications

#diabetes #diabetescontroltips #diabeteskailaj #sugar

MYTHS covered in this video:
इस वीडियो में हम डायबिटीज से जुड़े इन मिथकों के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं :

Myth1: Nothing can be done about diabetes
मिथक 1 : डायबिटीज होने पर कुछ नहीं किया जा सकता / डायबिटीज का कोई इलाज नहीं है.

Myth2: Eating a lot of sugar causes diabetes.
मिथक 2 : ज्यादा मीठी चीजें खाने से डायबिटीज होता है.

Myth3: Only overweight people develop diabetes.
मिथक 3 : सिर्फ मोटापे के शिकार लोगों को ही डायबिटीज होता है.

HOME REMEDIES (घरेलू उपाय) :

DIET (डाइट)

Include more seasonal vegetables (मौसमी सब्जियों का सेवन करें)
Eat vegetables in salad, sauteed or steamed form (सब्जियों को सलाद के रूप में या भाप में पकाकर खाएं)
Fill ½ of your plate with these vegetables
(खाने की आधी प्लेट में इन सब्जियों को शामिल करें)
Fill ¼ of your plate with protein sources like pulses, horse gram, and curd. If you are a non-vegetarian you can include egg, chicken, fish, etc. in your diet (खाने की प्लेट के एक चौथाई हिस्से में प्रोटीन से भरपूर आहार जैसे कि दाल, चने की दाल और दही को शामिल करें. अगर आप नॉन-वेजीटेरियन (माँसाहारी) हैं तो आप अंडे, चिकन, मछली आदि का सेवन कर सकते हैं)
Fill the remaining ¼ of your diet with grains in the form of chapati, oats or rice (अपनी प्लेट के बचे एक चौथाई हिस्से में रोटी, चावल, ओट्स जैसे अनाजों को शामिल करें)
Avoid processed foods (प्रोसेस्ड फ़ूड से परहेज करें)
Eat whole-grain foods and prefer fruits over fruit juices. (साबुत अनाज खाएं और फलों का जूस पीने की बजाय फल खाए)

EXERCISE (व्यायाम)
Choose any exercise of your choice as per your convenience. (अपनी सुविधानुसार कोई भी एक व्यायाम चुन लें और रोजाना कम से कम आधे घंटे करें)
Choose to stay active by following some easy tips such as: (खुद को एक्टिव रखने के लिए नीचे बताए गए टिप्स आजमाएं)
-Take the stairs instead of elevators (ऑफिस में लिफ्ट की जगह सीढ़ियों का प्रयोग करें)
-Prefer walking whenever it is possible. You can do this by parking your car far from your destination (जब भी संभव हो पैदल चलने की कोशिश करें, जैसे अपने ऑफिस या बाजार में जहाँ आपको जाना हो वहां से कुछ दूरी पर अपनी कार पार्क करें और पैदल चलें)
-Take regular walk breaks from work and take a round of your office (ऑफिस के काम के बीच में ब्रेक लें और 5-10 मिनट तक दोस्तों के साथ बाते करते हुए टहलें)
You can also reduce stress in diabetes through yoga and meditation techniques( योग और मेडिटेशन करें इससे तनाव कम होता है)
Say no to smoking and drinking alcohol if you have diabetes (अगर आपको डायबिटीज है तो धूम्रपान या एल्कोहॉल के सेवन से परहेज करें)

Do not rely only on home remedies if you have uncontrolled diabetes or high blood sugar levels. This may indicate insulin insufficiency, which requires treatment with medications. ALWAYS take the medications as per your doctor’s prescription.

अगर आपका ब्लड शुगर लेवल ज्यादा है या डायबिटीज कंट्रोल में नहीं है तो सिर्फ घरेलू इलाजों पर निर्भर ना रहें. यह दर्शाता है कि आपमें इंसुलिन की कमी है और इसके लिए दवाओं से इलाज की ज़रूरत है. हमेशा डॉक्टर द्वारा बताई गई दवाओं का ही सेवन करें.

Some commonly prescribed medications for diabetes are (डायबिटीज के इलाज में इस्तेमाल होने वाली प्रमुख दवाएं ये हैं) :
Metformin (मेटफॉर्मिन)
Sulfonylureas (सल्फोनिलयूरिया)
DPP-4 inhibitors (डीपीपी-4 इन्हिबिटर)
SGLT2 inhibitors (एसजीएलटी2 इन्हिबिटर)

REMEMBER to take these medicines only as per your doctor’s prescription. (इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि इन दवाओं का सेवन हमेशा डॉक्टर द्वारा बताई गई खुराक और समय के अनुसार ही करना चाहिए)

This video also covers the following:

– Diet chart / what to eat, drink for those who have diabetes
– Normal range as per age, weight, height
– Solution for 300+ diabetes patients
– Natural permanent solutions to diabetes

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    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps



    1. All about gardening

      I have a company’s products that are 100℅ working you can search on google search Seabuckthorn fruit give. me. your number our products can control Daibetes 100℅ we have many results of it give me your number or social media ID ok dear

  2. Bada Telecast

    Respected Mam
    My humble request you that i want join your channel for uploading my vedios on Biology, Medicine, pharmacology , Diseases topics .If you pay me for such vedios than i will work for your channel..
    Responsibility of editing of my vedios is yours.
    Dr.Sudhanshu Tyagi
    Pharm D.

  3. Sudesh Arora

    I am 66 years old Female. Walking and yoga is my routine. I have been diagnosed sugar 6.8 and fasting is 140. I was working in office till last year. Now I am at home. I have diagnosed as well with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have shown to good doctors and they have prescribed so many medicines in a day. I am last 35 years chronic Asthmatic patient. How can you help a old lady of 66 years who was very active till last year without these diseases.

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps.

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps.

  4. Saqib Javaid

    Hi. Thank you for such an amazing video. I would like to ask a question about salan. Is salan bad for diabetes. If I want to eat paratha and salan, is that bad. How much of that is bad? Thank you.

    1. juverya kazi

      @saqib javaid … please can you tell me your age height and weight and the time duration of time of disease with your suffering from ….
      For more information and any kinds of help Contact DRx JUVERYA KAZI

    2. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

  5. Jr Verma

    Thanking you very much mam for explaining in details about diabetes but .my question is that even after the consultation of specialist taking ing of insulin three times a day my sugar level is not coming down it remains 200 to 170morning and before dinner 200to 300but should I do please advise thanks

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps.

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

  6. Vinay kumar

    hello ma’am your video is really good.. my grandfather was suffering from recurrent high bloood glucose levels and the reason remains unknown he use to have very controlled diet .. then he started using planet ayurveda medication along with a diet chart they provided and it really made a diffrence..

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps.

  7. jaydip adesara

    My cousin ‘s HbA1c is 4.7 and fasting sugar and fasting Insulin are 137 & 4.4 respectively at a time. I advised him to stop sugar and minimize the carbs very much. There are 25 days he following this but fasting sugar didn’t came down. It’s cortisol or something else?

  8. Ethan Dsouza

    You are correct, right lifestyle is very important, i follow this very basic fact more vegetables, more protein, moderate carbs and overall portion control. I take help of food insights options in my Blucon CGM by ambrosia, to see real time how much of that food is good for me

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

  9. Anna Gomes

    Thank u for the vital information ??.My Fasting is 170&PP is 240.Im taking medicns for sugar.I wud like to know for the past few days my body gets warm or hot.Is there any remedies?&what is the reason for this type of temperature in the body?PlZ reply.Thank u.

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

    1. Niraj Singh

      Muzhe diabeties thi 10 saal se or 3 sal pahle muzhe taifaid huaa tha or uske baad se meri Sugar badh ti jaa rahi thi control me nahi aaa rahi thi meri sugar 320 se kam nahi ho rahi thi
      Fir muzhe doctor ne insulin ki injection lene ko bol rahe the lekin maine kahi bet capsule and livcon capsule ke baare me suna or maine use kr na suru kr diya abhi meri sugar control me hai or dhire dhire allopathic medicine b band ho gaya ab main sirf bet capsule and livcon capsule use kr raha hu maine ye medicine Amazon se mangwayi thi aap b jarur use kijiye best medicine hai.,_(◕ᴗ◕✿)^_^

    2. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

  10. Nupur Singh

    Thanks a lot! It was really very informative as well as eye opening for us as usually we follow a certain routine and ignore going to regular check ups and blindly follow the thing we know about diabetes ! But because of you we know what’s right and what’s not !!!

    1. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

    1. Niraj Singh

      Muzhe diabeties thi 10 saal se or 3 sal pahle muzhe taifaid huaa tha or uske baad se meri Sugar badh ti jaa rahi thi control me nahi aaa rahi thi meri sugar 320 se kam nahi ho rahi thi
      Fir muzhe doctor ne insulin ki injection lene ko bol rahe the lekin maine kahi bet capsule and livcon capsule ke baare me suna or maine use kr na suru kr diya abhi meri sugar control me hai or dhire dhire allopathic medicine b band ho gaya ab main sirf bet capsule and livcon capsule use kr raha hu maine ye medicine Amazon se mangwayi thi aap b jarur use kijiye best ayurvedic dawayi hai__(◕ᴗ◕✿);-)

    2. abhilasha

      No medicine. With the help of low carb balanced diet we have not only reversed diabetes(a1c from 9.5to 5.3)in 3 months but cholesterol and tryglycerised normalized. Stopped BP medication.
      Healthy meal plans:If a care is taken in the kitchen by a lady of the house, everyone at home will be healthy.
      We have reversed diabetes with good food and exercise
      Full day routine:
      Healthy meal plans:
      It helps

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