Diabetic retinopathy-ডায়াবেটিক রেটিনোপ্যাথি-diabetic retinopathy treatment-diabetic eye problems
Topic covered: ডায়াবেটিক রেটিনোপ্যাথি Diabetes Retinopathy: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatments, eye problems symptoms, eye problems and solutions in bangla, diabetes eye problem symptoms, Color Blindness, Diabetic Macular Edema, Glaucoma, retinopathy, ROP
Dr. Nuzhat Choudhury. Associate Professor, Dept. of Opthalmology, BSMMU.
MBBS, MS (Ophthalmology). Fellow Vitreo-Retina IIEI & H Bangladesh & LVPEI (India), Retina & Phaco Surgeon & ROP Specialist.
Specialist: Ophthalmology (Eye, Vision, Cataracts, etc.)
Chamber: Deen Mohd. Eye Hospital, Navana Newbury Place, 4/1/A 2nd Floor, Sobhanbag, Dhaka (call 16484).
Doctorola.com – Online based doctor appointment service in Bangladesh. Call 16484 to make doctor appointment.