Diabetic Retinopathy Lecture and Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment | Diabetic Eye Exam
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PRO -TIP The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed that strict control of blood sugar with insulin (In type 1 diabetes) decreases the progression of diabetic retinopathy, as well as nephropathy and neuropathy.
-So the better a diabetic’s blood sugar is controlled, whether that is with diet, exercise, and/or medication, the less chance of developing diabetic eye disease and other systemic complications.
time Jump
0:57 Intro to Diabetes
2:10 What is Diabetes; Type 1 and Type 2
2:53 How Diabetes affects the eyes
3:28 Review of Ocular Anatomy
4:48 Stages of Retinopathy
5:35 Mild Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
6:48 Moderate Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
8:12 Severe Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
9:26 Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
10:17 Diabetic Macular Edema
12:07 Cataracts, Glaucoma, Hyperopic Shift
13:33 Importance of Dilation
14:22 Treatment
16:24 Follow up or how often to be seen
17:28 How to Prevent Retinopathy and DCCT Study Findings
18:26 Thank You
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Omega 3s and Eye Vitamins for Eye Health
My Favorite Dry Eye Home Treatment device:
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Bruder Moist Heat Compress
Lumify Eye Drops
EyePromise Restore Eye Vitamins
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Omega 3 for Dry Eye
Alaway Antihistamine Eye Drops
———Cameras and Gear Used To Make This Video ——-
Canon SL2
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Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Florida
James L. Perron, C.R.A.
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About This Video:
In this video Joseph J. Allen, O.D discusses how diabetes affects the eyes and why a dilated eye exam is needed. If you are researching how diabetes can hurt the eyes, check out this video. The subject of diabetes can be very complex and many people don’t understand how uncontrolled blood sugars can hurt the eyes. In this video, you’ll learn about the different stages of diabetic retinopathy, what your doctor may see during the exam, and the possible treatments. #Doctoreyehealth #diabetes #diabeticretinopathy
Love your videos Doc!!
Thank you nani! Glad your enjoying them!
Great video! My grandma lost sight in one of her eyes due to diabetes. She wasn’t aware she was diabetic. Thank you for the information!
Thanks for the feeback Noeness! Sorry to hear your grandma had such trouble. Many people don’t know they are diabetic and it can be a little scary. My grandma was super sick for almost 2 years…went and saw 4 different doctors before anyone ordered just a simple blood test and figured it out. Same thing…she was diabetic.
Diabetes does tend to run in families so please continue to monitor yourself and keep yearly eye exams and annual visits to your family physician.
If there is anything else I can explain better please let me know.
Happy Holidays
-Joe (Dr. Allen)
This happened to me and I’ve had surgeries in both eyes , my blood sugar is well under control and now I can see so much better!
Peggy Little Dragon thank you for responding hopefully everything will be ok in my case
bj Douangnouanexay I’m sure you can
H im going through this now and im scared bcz i do not know how damaged my eyes are. Can you wear contacts lenses after laser procedure isit even paossible ti correct vision that is lreAdy loss to this disease
@Peggy Little Dragon Hi Peggy! I’m working on a project, and I’d like to get your feedback on how employers could better serve their differently-abled employees. I know it’s pretty odd for me to reach out to you, but I am curious to know how you’re doing? I’m asking a few others how their experience at work could be better. Would you be interested in answering a few questions? It should only take 15-20 minutes. My email is johnsonc49@gator.uhd.edu.
It took me about two months recovery
oh my god, I’m very excited to study optometry after this Vid!!!!
Thank you so much for this topic.
good to know. I learned more about my diabetes from this video than I have from my VA docs in the 2 years since they diagnosed me as pre-diabetic
Thanks plz continue your videos.
@Doctor Eye Health thank you for all your videos. continue to upload pls in your free time
Thank you! I know it was a long video. I plan to make more vids on diabetes and ways to prevent diabetic retinopathy in the future. I hope you like the VA that you go to. (I completed my Residency at the Minneapolis VA) Thank you for your service.
Well, you certainly have my attention. That was an awesome and comprehensive explanation. I’m making an appointment right away. Thanks Dr. Allen!!!
I hope this brought you some value without making things scary. The important thing is that with better control the chances of problems are greatly reduced.
Your shirt matches with your profession really well 😛
You did a wonderful job explaining this. I wish i could have you as my eye doctor
Following up. I had my diabetic eye exam and boy was I more informed! I showed her your channel. You might have another subscriber. My real point here is that you are doing good work for the community and I appreciate you.
you are awesome! NP student here – you explain it so well- thank you 🙂
You’re very welcome
Hi doc! Love watching your videos. I would like to make a request if you could make a video about uveitis (preferably anterior) and eye flashes? Thank you ?
You are an excellent lecturer.
Thank you for such a pellucid explanation.
Hey, thank you so much for this video, I’m currently studying and training to be a diabetic retinopathy screener/grader and this video along with studying various books has helped a lot ???
Can VEGF be used for preventative treatment even if there aren’t any vascular issues!?
Your explanation was superb. Can you make a video on hypertensive retinopathy?
Yes! Big topic
I have Type 2 Diabetes with background retinopathy in both eyes and diabetic macular edema in my left eye and I have an astigmatism in my right eye as well
Believe in Jesus and he will heal you. He has done it for me
I’m curious, my mother was told her AMD was a common complication from diabetes, but this was never mentioned here. Was she misinformed?
They are two different disease processes. However, damage to the retinal cells from diabetes does increase the likelihood of cell death from macular degeneration. A big part of macular degeneration is adequate cellular metabolism and diabetes does hurt the blood vessels and theoretically reduces the nutrient flow to the retinal cells. In short, diabetes is a risk factor for early development of AMD.
Could you do a video on macular puckering? I had an operation for this and my eye clouded up one month later. The surgeon would not do anything about it so I went elsewhere. I am now scheduled for cataract surgery.
As far as I know it will be mono-focal. Anything else will cause multi-color reflection or that is what I was told. I will get my astigmatism taken care of at the same time. Thank your for your reply and videos. The videos make things a lot clearer (chuckle).
Yes! Macular pucker or otherwise known as an epiretinal membrane…great topic. I wish you the best in your upcoming surgery.
Are you getting a standard mono-focal lens? Toric? Accommodating?
I had dry for a couple months now seemingly coming out of nowhere and I have diabetes, is dryeye a lifetime thing or can it be fixed?
Depends on the cause. The first treatment for dry eyes is over-the-counter lubricating eye drops. You may also want to try some lid hygiene. Clean your eyelids with warm water and some kind of gentle soap (like baby shampoo). Warm compresses applied to the eyes also helps some people.
loving the content. will watch more of your videos ❤
Thanks Ritzel! This video was a bit long but there is so much involved with diabetes I wanted to go over it all. Maybe I will get more out on the subject in the future. Any topics you would like to hear more about?