Dry Mouth – Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
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Dry mouth or xerostomia is a condition in which the production of saliva in the mouth is obstructed. Watch how you can treat dry mouth using natural ingredients available in your kitchen!
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Dry Mouth (Xerostomia):
• Dry mouth or xerostomia is a condition in which the production of saliva in the mouth is obstructed
• Saliva helps:
o The mouth to stay moist and clean
o Digest food
Symptoms to look for:
• Sticky and dry mouth
• Excessive thirst
• Sores in the mouth
• Problem in speaking, tasting and chewing
• Bad breath
• Side-effect of muscle relaxants and sedatives
• Diabetes
• Hypertension
• Anaemia
• Arthritis
• Fever
• Excessive sweating
• Vomiting
• Diarrhoea
Natural home remedy using fennel seeds and aniseed:
1. Take 1 tsp of fennel seeds
2. Add 1 tsp of aniseed
3. Eat this mixture
It improves the flow of saliva and alleviates bad breath.
Natural home remedy using cardamom powder:
1. Take 1 glass of hot water
2. Add 1 tsp of cardamom powder
3. Mix well
4. Leave it for 15 min
5. Drink once every day
6. It moistens the mouth and cures bad breath
• Reduce intake of fizzy drinks
• Consume fruits to keep the body hydrated
• Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco as it hampers the production of saliva
These remedies are based on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of healing, and are completely natural, non-invasive, and can be prepared at home. Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist. Refer to the terms of use on our website
Why does it sound like a well placed ad! 🙂 Instead of buying such chemical products.. simply use the remedies here. Take care.
Thanks, great vids as always
Will this permanently relieve me of dry mouth?
Most welcome! 🙂
Thank you for a free and helpful video.I appreciate it,very informative and wel-done. Could the remedies used in this video help kill bacteria on the tongue?
Try regularly flushing your sinuses with salt water. Also try gargling with hydrogen peroxide 3%. Don’t eat any dairy foods or drink tea or coffee or anything with sugar or alcohol in it. I can tell you Oraltech Labs advice worked for my bad breath and I think I tried most other products on the market. Its not easy as the program has you treating all causes of bad breath just in case your suffering from any one cause and don’t know it. I was happy to follow the Oraltech Labs program
A goddess of useful infomation
Thanks home veda
I hope I never get dry mouth. I love my saliva and the feeling of it building up and swishing all around my mouth. It can be hard to understand me when I talk sometimes because I always let so much saliva pool in my mouth. I’ll be sure to remember these tips if I’m ever afflicted with this horrible condition.
Wow, that’s somewhat of an unusual obsession, you have !
I mean, ~~All, bodily functions are,of course, extremely,important. However, I would assume,somewhat rare that someone would be quite~So attached,as are you, to such a natural bodily substance as their own spit !
mam thank you very much.
Glad you liked it.
Xerostom for dry mouth, can be bought at most major pharmacies world wide. Has a neutral pH. Any product that doesn’t have a neutral pH will de-mineralise your teeth, causing lots of damage. Mouthwash, mouth spray, gel, pastilles and gum.
If you can t find it, request if from your local Pharmacy. In most countries it can be subsidized through your medical aid.
thanks for sharing such an informative video, however you not mention how long this remedies be taken?
Mam say on Dry lip and white hair
Nice information . Thank you
Hi mam I have dry mouth dieses now bt i dnt have another sympots pls suggest me remedy
This woman seems like a solution of sooo many problems. 😉
Remedies start at 1:00
medication is also often a cause of dry mouth
Thanks for you information… God bless you..??????
How to improve mucus membrane when it dries out?please make a video on this