From Pre-Diabetic to Severe Diabetic to Ketoacidosis and Then Back
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In this video Dennis Pollock shares the story of a man who went from being pre-diabetic to severely diabetic in the space of one doctor's visit to the next. He was in diabetic ketoacidosis with an A1c of 12.9. But once he saw what he needed to do, his numbers began moving back down, toward the normal range.
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I am not particularly religious either but I would hate to think you would not let your faith guide you and mention it on occasion. It gives me confidence in your channel for some reason.
Faith and science are friends! I like that! Let’s beat diabetes with both!
@Beat Diabetes! That’s such a great idea! I would love that! Please drop me an email and I will connect with you. So excited to do a video together! Take care Dennis!
Amen! We need to do a video together some time.
I agree, faith & science are compatible when truth is the goal. God is the ultimate scientist, he created the natural laws.
We need to pray for that person that they see the truth yeah.
Great vid Dennis. I’m not big on religion (any religion), but I love your content. I am not offended by your occasional reference to religion. Please keep up the great work. Thanks
So do I. Respect for what others believe in is the key.
A person’s faith is a part of him. I have friends of different faiths and some who have no faith at all. I enjoy being with them for what we have in common. I am dismayed that one of your viewers criticized you for making references to Christianity. Your videos are always an inspiration. Thank you. Say hi to Benedicta for me.
Dec 13 my blood glucose fasting figure was 322. I quickly got my act together going keto coupled with intermittent fasting after watching and listening to yourself, Dr’s Fung, Berry, Mags, Nick and a few others. This morning my fasting figure was 111. I’ve gone from 96 to 88kg during that period and apart from 3 days of feeling lousy because of keto flu I now feel fantastic. 12 miles walk/run in the early morning with my dog for company. Not missing carbs at all, including beer which I love. I really enjoy your channel so thanks from me for all the informative video’s you produce???
@Beat Diabetes! Thanks Dennis, my brother recently retired to Thailand and brought his “Mike” with him which he used to test me with. I was 155 when he tested me so this prompted me to buy my own. Here in Thailand and being retired at 57 years old at least I get to choose what I can do everyday so 3 hours per day to exercise in the glorious countryside isn’t a great sacrifice to make. I always get recommendations for your channel and so I’m working through your video’s. Loved the one about Benedicta’s birthday back in August and I can relate having lived in a rural Thai village for the past 8.5 years. Take care and again, thanks for doing what you do??
Santanu Roy, not 3 days but 3 weeks. It was 115 this morning which I put down to the dawn phenomenon as I’m consuming very little carbs in my diet and eating just one meal per day. Yesterday was fried pig liver and cauliflower mash with butter. My main target is to keep my glucose under 140 and reduce the fat in my liver and pancreas.
Wow! That’s absolutely wonderful. I look forward to hearing more great reports from you, my friend!
really inspiring…hats off!!!…how long you have givens this effort..within 3 days it got reduced? what is your current reading…sir? ???
Amen. We should never be ashamed to proclaim and declare the word of the Lord
It’s your channel, you do you. If someone has a problem with God or Jesus, they can just extract the other good info you share or simply move on. Some people put God in a box because they don’t realize that IT’S ALL GOD! I have gotten so much good advice here and I thank God I found your channel. Be well.
I’m happy that you are being helped. God bless you, Brenda!
I don’t believe in what you believe in although I respect that you do. I love all the videos you are putting out as they are helping me fix my blood sugar level, your method is something that anyone can follow. Thank you and please keep the videos coming.
I’m happy that you are finding help!
I stand with you Ptr… Jesus Christ is my life too. I am so grateful for what He has done in my life. ?John 3:16 God loves us so much.. God bless us all. Happy New Year?
I did know that lebron James was a basketball player, but I am glad you said who he was. I do agree that there should be more of a focus on medicine and science in beating diabetes, yes we understand your training and background is a minister.please do keep in mind that there are listeners who are of the other major faiths and beliefs.
I do want to let you know my last HbA1A in December 5.4% it was a great Hanukkah present.
I wish prediabetic was called “early onset diabetes”, I would of heard that. I strongly agree. When I was prediabetic I wish the doctor had placed me on metformin and explained how serious it was. Thank you Dennis, I hope your Christmas holiday are good. ( 12 days right).
Dear Dennis please don’t change your message. You are humble, caring, knowledgeable and very encouraging. For those who are offended or turned off by your Christianity there are tons of sources where they can get only “science”. Beat Diabetes provides that and much more. I have been greatly helped by your channel and so have many others. Remain faithful to your calling. And for the rest of us, let’s not let anything discourage us, just keep moving up that latter. We will reap a great harvest if we do not give up!
BTW where is mouseball? I pray doing well…
Faith in God is so important in our world today. That’s what is wrong with our world. Blessed to have God in my life. Praise God for all he does for us.
I think an A1C test should be given once or twice a year. I tell my family and friends to ask for the test; although, they haven’t been labeled diabetic or pre-diabetic. More than a once or twice a year glucose test is needed to determine the road to diabetes.
Woohoo Score for Team Dennis! Another great encouragement!
Good morning Dennis! Excellent video this morning! If you stop the faith, should you also stop the hope, love, caring and sharing too? That is what you do and please continue to do it. You are making a difference in peoples lives! I know you have made a difference in mine. As always well done Dennis! Hi Benedicta!
Thanks, Mary! You are a blessing!
Well said Dennis!!! God will lead you to the help you need outside of doctors. sometimes a stranger in line at a store can be a help to something in your life. God puts people in our lives to lead us, inspire us. Your help in diabetes and the fact that you trust God is what lead me to your channel or should I say God helped me find you through prayer. Keep up the good information. God Bless.
Another super motivation video Mr. Dennis. God blessed.
I really appreciate your sharing the gospel during your videos about diabetes because I believe that everything is possible with Jesus Christ. Without his love and care I wouldn’t be exciting today. Keep up the good work and thank you for all your informations
Happy new year ? praise the lord Jesus
You’re Godsend in my life!