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How to Reverse Prediabetes Naturally – Natural Treatment, Home Remedies, Diet to Prevent Diabetes

Many people suffer with prediabetes and don't know that they´re in danger of suffering with diabetes. If you have prediabetes, you have time to reverse this condition before it is too late. In this video I´m going to reveal the best natural treatment, home remedies, vitamins, supplements and diet to reverse prediabetes before it is too late and prevent diabetes.
Webpage: www.drlandivar.com
Buy Vitamins And Supplements: www.drlandivar.com/shop
Email: dr.agustin.landivar@gmail.com
Facebook: Dr. Gus Landivar
Instagram: landivar.agustin
Twitter: @dr_landivar
Phone: 1 (786) 906-8954 (whatsapp only)
Shop products tested by Dr. Landivar or schedule an online appointment at www.drlandivar.com/shop
Revert Prediabetes,
Prevent Diabetes,
what is prediabetes,
symptoms of prediabetes,
what is prediabetes,
prediabetes diet,
for diabetes,
for diabetes,
how to prevent diabetes,
Fiber Foods,
Foods in Magnesium,
Apple cider vinegar,
Chromium Picolinate,
Bitter Melon,
Natural Treatments,
Home remedies,
Natural supplements,



  1. Tony M

    Hey dr. Quick question I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes what are ways to lower my a1c levels my sugar levels have been under control also I have changed the ways I eat & try to get as much exercise…I’m new to this so any info would be appreciated… thank you.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Good morning Tony, nice to meet you.
      I have an entire video on this topic in my channel, I would like for you to watch it and follow the advice I mention in this video. Look for ” Diabetes Dr Gus ” on Youtube
      Please support the channel by assisting to my videos till the end, sharing them, and commenting, so that more people can watch them and be benefited by them. Great to have you on the channel!

    1. Dr. Gus

      Here’s the number you can call and have customer service help you with your order +1 (786) 906-8954.
      Please help us promote the channel by watching the videos until the end, clicking the like button, and commenting so that YouTube shows the content to more people who can benefit from them on the internet.
      Thank you very much for your help, warm Greetings.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hello and thank you for your comment.
      We have a natural supplement online store and ship products all over the world. Here’s the link to the store, for your convenience https://drlandivar.com/
      You may easily reserve an appointment. Here’s the phone number for you to contact the secretary and make your reservation, +1 (786) 906 – 8954.
      Once you make your appointment, the consultations are held via video call on WhatsApp.
      If the video was useful, I have these recommendations:
      Here’s the number you can call and have customer service help you with
      your order +1 (786) 906-8954.
      Please help us promote the channel by watching the videos until the end,
      clicking the like button, and commenting so that YouTube shows the
      content to more people who can benefit from them on the internet.
      Thank you very much for your help, warm Greetings.

  2. TheQueenBarb

    Thank you so much. I was diagnosed back in August and have lost close to 30 lbs and now I have a wrinkled neck and sagging jaws because of the weight loss. I feel good after dropping the lbs and I have changed my eating and starting walking a lot. I will be getting some of these supplements you spoke about. What do you suggest about the wrinkled neck?

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hello TheQuienBarb, thank you very much for commenting.
      To reply to your inquiry, I don´t think there really is much you can do about it, although, I suggest applying coconut oil and see the results.
      Please let us know how it goes.
      Please help us promote the channel by watching the videos until the end,
      clicking the like button, and commenting so that YouTube shows the
      content to more people who can benefit from them on the internet.
      Thank you very much for your help, warm greetings.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hi Shaida Sadiq, thank you very much for interest.
      To reply to your inquiry, drinking apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach maximises health benefits and boosts ability to process food. If you want to drink it after food, wait for at least 20 minutes.
      Please help us promote the channel by watching the videos until the end,
      clicking the like button, and commenting so that YouTube shows the
      content to more people who can benefit from them on the internet.
      Thank you very much for your help, warm greetings.

  3. Dr.Yogenndra Sinngh

    Very good dear brother
    Pre diabetic is a condition when fasting blood sugar is 110 to 125 mg/dl and 2 hr post prandial blood sugar is 140 to 199mg/dl(WHO criteria)
    God bless you brother

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hi dr yogendra singh thank you very much for your comment.
      Please help us promote the channel by watching the videos until the end,
      clicking the like button, and commenting so that YouTube shows the
      content to more people who can benefit from them on the internet.
      Thank you very much for your help, warm Greetings.

    1. Y Lll

      Maybe this will help someone out there.struggling with non sweeteners for oatmeal .I cook my oatmeal.Add unsweetened coconut milk to it.Gives the oatmeal a good taste.I don’t miss the sugar.Remember this isn’t a temporary change.This is a diet for life.Make as many changes as possible for us prediabetics.scairy we have to try Not to give up no matter what the results end up in the future….get back up keep trying.Thank you for this videos.coming for the supplements at your store next stop

  4. johnkift78

    Hi Doc! I was diagnosed pre 2 months ago, I’ve made drastic changes in my lifestyle..exercise daily and diet..Every morning I a 1oz of cider vinegar diluted in sbout 16oz if water onnan empty stomach, is that okay? Explain formula and where would I get it? and when would I take it? same with cinnamon, just powder you get at the store or should I use sticks. thanks Doc.

    1. johnkift78

      @Alberto Martinez I completely reversed it! Diet! Diet! Diet! and I walk 5km/1hr daily and I haven’t had a drink since New Year’s Eve! I was diagnosed as pre diabetic March 20th 2020, I weighed 218Lbs Mar 4th 2020, I currently weigh 172Lbs. I recently got my blood work and I’m proud to say all of numbers are now in the norm. I completely reversed it!

    1. Dr. Gus

      Greetings Maruf Ahmed thank you very much for your interest. To reply to your inquiry.
      Pancreatitis can be acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis is a sudden attack. After acute pancreatitis, most people recover completely, especially if the disease is diagnosed and treated early enough. Pancreatitis that doesn’t go away or keeps coming back and damages the pancreas is called chronic pancreatitis.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Greetings Ingrid Peterson thank you very much for your interest. I hope this is useful.
      Monounsaturated oils increase the content of good cholesterol in the body and so they should be a part of your diabetes treatment at home. Polyunsaturated oils are also liquid fats at room temperature and are made from sunflower, safflower, corn, sesame, soybean and others.

  5. Maria Zamarripa

    I saved your video and my file so I can refer back to it. It was so much useful information I don’t want to forget any of it. I am so thankful! I was just diagnosed with Prediabetes. I’m terrified.

    1. jarichards99utube

      Hey Maria, Been there, I know what you mean.. You’ll be OK – IF – you JUST Change what you EAT and do MODERATE Exercise (ex. 20-30 min brisk walk daily) You must control/avoid HIGH BLOOD & HIGH INSULIN Damage – So, eat a HIGH-HEALTHY-Fat with moderate protein / LOW CARB. based diet and learn to do intermittent fasting. Read the NEW Atkins book and Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution. Unlike what many believe, FAST ACTING CARBS (Simple carbs, grains, starches & sugars) ARE ‘the enemy’. HEALTHY Dietary FATS are You FRIEND…! All the BEST To You -60SomethingGuy

    1. Dr. Gus

      Good day Joanne Himes thank you so much for your comment and interest.
      Please help us promote the channel by watching the videos until the end,
      clicking the like button, and commenting so that YouTube shows the
      content to more people who can benefit from them on the internet.
      Thank you very much for your help, warm greetings.

  6. Lilac Earth

    I was diagnosed last week with pre diabetes and have tingling in my toes. My Ldl is 150 and my dr prescribed Crestor 10 mg daily. I would prefer to lower it the natural way. Any advice?

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hi Lilac Earth, thanks a whole lot for your comment and interest. I’m sorry for your issue.
      Please support the channel by assisting to my videos till the end, sharing them, and commenting,
      so that more people can watch them and benefit from them. Great to have you on the channel! Warm greetings.
      Please follow the indications given on the video.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Greetings hi, many thanks for your interest. Hope this is useful: What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels? They’re less than 100 mg/dL after not eating (fasting) for at least 8 hours. And they’re less than 140 mg/dL 2 hours after eating. During the day, levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hello Frank, thank you very much for your interest and comment.
      Please support the channel by assisting to my videos till the end, sharing them, and commenting,
      so that more people can watch them and benefit from them. Great to have you on the channel! Warm greetings.

    1. Dr. Gus

      Hi MURUGESAN KANDASAMY , thanks a whole lot for your comment and interest.
      Please support the channel by assisting to my videos till the end, sharing them, and commenting,
      so that more people can watch them and benefit from them. Great to have you on the channel! Warm greetings.

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