KETOSIS vs Ketoacidosis: A Doctor Explains the Difference
Nutritional Ketosis has NOTHING to do with Ketoacidosis. The former is a powerful nutritional tool for correcting problems caused by the standard western diet, and the latter is a serious medical condition that kills people. Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis is simple, listen as an MD explains the difference.
Any medical or nutrition professional should know that these two things are very, very different, and that nutritional ketosis can Not cause ketoacidosis. I'll explain in this video the exact differences between the two so you can share the facts with friends and family.
I'm not sure why my mind brought up Jeffery Dahmer in this video, but you'll have to see if the parable I tell makes sense to you. Nutritional Ketosis is a wonderful, and very Safe, tool you can use to optimize your health. Please use it.
Great Book, Keto Reset:
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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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My son is type 1…I love going into scientific detail about ketoacidosis vs ketosis to all the haters ?
Well done!!!???
Kimberly Scott I’m a miracle because my blood sugar was 990 after two hours on insulin drip
I found your vids yesterday and have watched probably a dozen…Thank you for making them, they are very informative. I also followed your wife for the great recipes, etc.
I’ve been type 1 for over 20yrs. I’ve been on keto lifestyle for 13months after researching how to heal my liver. Well guess what my sugars are down to an average 4.6 UK numbers. My liver has healed and all the associated problems have disappeared. Ketogenic lifestyle has been been a life-changing event for me! I am definitely sticking with it.
Enjoy your vids.?
Mal Davies, thank you. I am on 8 with the ketone urine strip test, no carb intake so no boluses, just the insulin for basal which is humalog since I have a pump.
@Lele C never! They’ve been up around 7/8 but that’s when I’ve been on a 7day water fast. If they went over 15 then I would be a little concerned. I doubt that will ever happen. Nothing wrong with monitoring the situation when fasting?
Type 1 diabetic starting keto diet, in learning process. Mal Davies, have you ever been in ketoacedosis while on keto diet? If yes, is there anything that has helped you to not fall into ketoacedosis?
@Jabba Mjcook veggies and meat with coconut oil or butter that’s perfect but coffee causes the body to release fatty acids to use for energy and turn into ketones for the brain so if you add fat in your coffee it becomes problematic down the road.
@Mal Davies thanks for the reply! i’m doing fine right now with keto, 5 weeks in and I’ve lost around 25 pounds. I’m drinking coffe with a little bit of butter or coconut oil, do you think that’s a bad choice?
“Keytones don’t cause ketoacidosis.” “Acidic blood is the danger of ketoacidosis.” “Ketoacidosis shows up in type one diabetics, victims of tramua, people with infection.” “Nutritional Keytosis is not Ketoacidosis.” “Every one named Jeffrey is not a serial killer.” Got it. Thank you.
Thank you!! I’m a RN…I had a CRNA lecture me about how bad “ketoacidosis” was for my body and my kidneys and how dangerous it was…I said “I completely agree! That’s why I want to stay in ketosis.” She kept arguing with me that I was in ketoacidosis… I finally said “look…I’m conscious…but if I need an insulin drip I’ll let ya know!” Now she and her daughter do ketosis…go figure
So, is she left alone to administer anesthesia?
@Calisthenicsnoob the acidity is caused by ketosis not glucose i think. Cant be sure
So if dka is the body cant use glucose as energy so it is forced to used fat as energy, and in keto diet there is 0 carb so the body uses fat as energy, the only diffetence is the amount of blood sugar level, so are you saying the acidity in blood is caused by high blood sugar rather that the process of ketosis?
The806Traveler it’s because we health professionals have been drilled on CONVENTIONAL medical (and health) “wisdom”, which sees anything “out of the ordinary “ as a bad thing. High fat versus low fat… is one example…. and some will still insists that low fat (and “healthy” grains) is the way to go, even though they see the rising numbers in diabetes and obesity.
Awesome story! Strange how even health professionals are lacking this knowledge.
I went to the pharmacy to ask if they have a dual glucometer that also measures blood ketones. The first question was obviously why I wanted it, so I explained. The pharmacist was shocked and horrified that anybody would be putting themselves in ketosis voluntarily, and asked me if it is safe to do so, saying she thought it was very scary. Sigh. Thanks for this video, now I can explain it better next time. 🙂
Keto mojo is what I use.
Hanelle Fourie Blair there is
An actual pharmacist who’s been to doctorate school doesn’t know the difference? We need to reevaluate what schools are emphasizing! Or maybe… who they let become a doctor!
When your PH is too low, your done, you’re gone to heaven ????????? killed me!!!!!!
you sign out for heaven ???
The good doctor just performed the perfect mic drop 🙂
I like the idea of saying ‘nutritional ketosis’. It sounds purposeful and not like a disease or sickness. Plus it makes me sound smarter! Lol. Thank you for this video!
? Dr. Berry is preachin’ today! ??
Thanks for what you’re doing, for helping people Doc.
Great Video Doc! My Dad explained ketoacidosis to me when I was a youngster. We never really discussed ketosis back in those days(late 1950’s) but in the early 1960’s was when he adopted a ketogenic diet. He didn’t call it that but it was a very high fat moderate protein low carb diet. I do 1 meal and 1 small “snack” per day. Each meal/snack are separated by 12 hours. I feel pretty healthy except for the accumulation of mechanical damage over my 69 years.
I know this is an old post but can you expand on you and your father? How long have you been keto, did your father remain keto his whole life, and how did it work out? TIA.
Wow, so helpful Dr. Berry! I had a legitimate fear that if I didn’t eat enough on keto, I would slip into ketoacidosis. Since being on keto my appetite has been cut in half, and I was scared that if I didn’t eat, this would happen! LOL now I’m interested in trying IF w/Keto! Thanks again. ?
My mom is type 1, and she constantly tells me by doing the keto diet I’m gonna end up in keto acidosis. This diet has drastically jump started my metabolism! I’m losing 1-2 lbs a day! I’m not stopping this diet anytime soon.
Oh my goodness sakes Doc, you make me laugh. I LOVED your Jeffery story. Yes collecting an ABG does hurt. Good thing a keto diet won’t lead us to need one.
Yes, ABGs hurt especially if the tech. can get the ABG after numerous attempts!!!!
Thanks for this! Your videos are smart and easy to digest. I am educating myself on nutritional ketosis. I keep re-watching your “hotdogs and mustard” video so that I am not discouraged by the doctors who claim all the food NEEDS to be organic! Though I am managing to do a bit better than hotdogs!
I love learning new things from you. Thanks Doc!
Sounds like they have about as much in common as salmon and salmonella.
I’m looking forward to becoming your patient.
In anticipation of this I started Keto about 10 days ago so I’ll have a head start!?
Love the Jeffery analogy! Thanks for addressing my number one pet peeve regarding keto. One question though: what is “starvation ketosis”? I’ve heard people talk about ketosis as a dangerous complication of eating disorders and I wonder if they’re talking about yet another “Jeffery”…
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’m a type 1 diabetic, and I get severely angry at those who claim to be in ‘ketoacidosis’ due to the keto-diet. Bruh, I’ve been in a few ketoacidosis before, and it aint fun! Lost my ability to walk, huge damage to multiple nerves, polyneuropathic damage/pain and organ failure. Seems like most people who ‘learn’ from the internet are the most stubborn idiots ever.
I’m so glad you make these videos. Thank you.