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    1. My Emergency Teachers

      Thank you so much for your feedback. We will definitely strive to improve our emergency practice. Hopefully we will have a chance to work together in the future. Thanks Dr Mohamed Taha.

    2. Dr Mohamed Taha

      I’m currently working under a consultant Dr. Omran and another consultant a while back Dr. Abdul Hakm who have both trained in Malaysia and have had so much positive things to say about your programs and practices! .. In fact many of the physicians in leading positions in Sudanese Emergency Medicine have trained in Malaysia and for that we are very grateful and now with your videos i understand exactly why!? .. Great technique and comprehensive materials.. i love the videos.. <3 keep them coming! :')

    3. My Emergency Teachers

      Thanks Dr Mohamed Taha. I will continue to upload more video to the channel. I have worked with some Sudanese colleagues before. They are amazing people. Lots of love from Malaysia <3

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