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Nausea remedies for people with diabetes taking Ozempic, Metformin | The Hangry Woman

Nausea feels awful, but some of these nausea remedies can help when you're taking medications like Ozempic or Metformin that have some nausea side effects.

I love nausea remedies like ginger, peppermint, citrus, cleansing breaths and more.

Let me know what your favorite remedies for nausea are. Help each other out!

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If you're new here, I'm Mila. I'm a 30-something living with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes In adults. I'm always up for cooking, eating, and trying new recipes, and I share them on my Youtube channel and my blog called The Hangry Woman.

Glad to meet you, and I hope my recipes show you that you can still eat great food with diabetes!

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#diabetes #ozempic #metformin

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    1. wendy green

      Hi hangry woman this morning I have a medium-sized banana for breakfast and I didn’t have lunch and; dinner I have the a mex banana And 2 grilled cheese which didn’t stay down , I have my lunch and breakfast prepared for tomorrow so I have banana and two peaches and I have some summer salami and some Ritz crackers for my morning and afternoon meal plus those snacks since I’m.fojnh a garage sale all weekend

  1. Wellington's Boots

    Thank you Mila, I have taken Ozempic twice now. Still on the starter dose of .25. So far, so good but have been warned about nausea when the dose increases. Thank you for these tips. It’s good to know.

    1. Tonia Netterdon

      @The Hangry Woman Hi, I try ozempic to loose weight and, I noticed nothing with 0.25 and also nothing with 0,5. I’m disappointed now. Do you know,why this could be with effect ?
      Are there people who have that experience top ?

    2. eilene pancrazio

      I went up on Monday to .5 and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stick with this dosage. I will try the ginger tea remedy and see if that helps any. Thanks for the great advice.

    3. Nancy Mueller

      @The Hangry Woman Were you giving the shot in the gut or the thigh? I had less nausea with using the thigh.

      And please don’t give up!! I was thin to just right until I had children. I love my kids. I don’t love the messed up hormones. When I was in my late 40s I lost 120 pounds, just following a way of eating that many have followed. Then my Mom got a fatal cancer and my Dad was enveloped by dementia. Caring for them started me towards gaining weight then I had a screwed up surgery and became more disabled. I gained a bunch of weight, of course. Now I need to lose more than a hundred pounds again?

      I’m hoping the OZEMPIC will kick in after 4 months of building up to the 1 mg dose.

      We need better help to lose weight but the science of medicine isn’t quite where it needs to be. You have time. Just do the best you can.

      By the way, my daughter’s good friend is skinny, always has been. SHE has a double chin‼️ Don’t let other people make you feel bad about your body. Don’t give them that power. Please, give yourself a break—be nice to you ?

    4. Rosalie Gonzalez

      Hi, I am on my 6th week. The nausea is horrible. I’ve been worse with vomiting since my 5th week. I have tried ginger tea, and candy and it’s done nothing. I can’t do it anymore no more for me.

  2. Big Ol'Baddie

    Glad I found your channel! I’m on my second week of ozempic and it’s a huge difference for me just coming off of metformin. I would call out or go home early at least once a week on the metformin,that stuff just doesn’t agree with me. I’m gonna try your tips out for sure because I’ve been trying to figure it out. I do eat a whole lot less then what I use to eat but I think I need to go a little less. Thanks lovey ?

  3. Milly M

    Hi, thanks so much for the info. Im on 2000mg of Metformin and 1mg ozempic and I feel absolutely crappy. I have nausea, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and am really struggling with doing anything. The only relief I get is when I lay down. Each time I up my dose is when the nausea sets in. I’m on the highest dose now so I’m hoping that the nausea subsides. Luv your videos..thanks ?

  4. Sunnie Park

    This was the first video I found from you and it helped me so much, esp the part where you explained a little bit about how you can feel nauseous if you overeat on ozempic. as soon as you said it, I realized I had made that mistake. I just started my medications and am dealing with nausea so thank you so much for sharing. I can’t wait to watch your other vids!

  5. Panama Princess

    For anyone who would like to try my grandma’s method for making ginger tea – take a small piece of ginger root smash it lightly (she used a hammer that she kept in the kitchen for opening coconuts) – steep in warm water on the stove to desired strength. Warm up as needed and sip small amounts throughout the day.

    1. Laura Newell

      When I lived in Virginia I used to put a small piece of ginger root in my kettle and use that water to brew my tea for the day. Guess it’s time to go get more ginger root…thanks for helping me remember that. My brain just isn’t working right with the increase of my metformin ?

  6. Erika Hernandez

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am one week in with Ozempic, but was started on 1mg. Soo much nausea and struggles eating. Nothing has helped with the nausea so far, but I’ll try some of your suggestions. Good to know that I should have muchh smaller meals to help w/ the nausea too.

    1. Mrs. Didi

      It’s helpful to start at 0.25 x4 weeks and titrate up monthly. This allows your body an adjusting period. If 1mg is too much, the medication is often very effective at 0.25 and 0.5 based off of reviews read and according to my endocrinologist.

  7. Nina S

    Cold lemon water! Yum, small meals, reduce non-veggie carbs, switched from metformin (massive GI problems after gallbladder removal), started on Victoza and now converting to Ozempic in 5 days…hopefully no problems

  8. Sharon Gill

    Thanks for this informative video. I was feeling nauseous and didn’t know what to do. I was drinking peppermint tea and ginger root and that helped. Also Trader Joe’s sells ginger candy. I was eating a salad today and couldn’t finish it, I didn’t realize it was the Ozempic working! I will try tones smaller meals more frequently

  9. Mendorian

    I just did my first 0.5mg shot at 10pm – I found that I’d get a massive, 4 hour long headache about two hours after the 0.25mg injections, so I simply switched to doing the shots when I’m getting ready for the night.

    Your videos have helped me approach all of this with confidence, so thank you! Let’s see how I deal with 0.5mg tomorrow morning ?

    1. Mendorian

      @Lauren Kelly I have been on 1mg for little over 2 months now. I really only had issues with the initial doses – 0.5mg I have only noticed the first time around, and the switch to 1mg I haven’t noticed at all.

      If anything, I’m a bit disappointed in that, while my blood sugar has been great, the appetite reducing factor of Ozempic tapered off over the last 2 months. But ultimately I’m doing really well on it!

  10. Linda Brunette

    Thank you everyone for sharing your remedies. When the nausea started for me, I dug out my pressure point wrist bands that I use when I go on a cruise. Works for me everytime. Hope it works for you.

  11. Rod Taylor

    I’ve just started Ozempic and have started making my own ginger tea. Just peel and cut up the root, boil it in water with a cinnamon stick for 5 minutes then simmer for 5. Works a treat.

  12. Jonathan House

    Hi Mila. Thanks so much for your excellent videos. I too am a Type 1.5 diabetic, LADA, in my mid 30s and I just started Ozempic about 1 month ago. I found your videos not only helpful but also motivating. The nausea has started coming on pretty strong, but I think the long term benefits will be really worth it. So I’m trying to will power myself through the nausea. Thanks again for the tips

  13. Valor Aquaponics

    I’m going on 4 weeks at the upped dose of 0.5mg of Ozempic and I’ve noticed nausea is a lot more prevalent. The first two weeks of increased dosage, I got violently sick both weeks. I went a week of slight nausea and then I just got sick about 20 minutes ago.

    However, I think it’s because of what I did. Like others have said, you should never eat loads of food in one sitting because your metabolism slows down. Yesterday, I have almost no lunch and then had a giant dinner fairly late. I had this weird hunch that I would get sick from it and I was right.

    They recommend to eat more, smaller meals throughout the day versus less, larger meals.

    I’m hoping for my body to fully acclimate to the higher dosage in the next 2-3 weeks.

    Overall, Ozempic has done a tremendous job lowering my glucose. I averaged in the 200s regularly prior to. I’m now averaging around 138 and every week it seems to drop a little more. Aside from the occasional nausea, I do seem to have less fatigue with the lower blood sugar.

    I hope we all can get past the nausea together and onto healthier lives. It’s nice knowing there’s a community that we can turn.

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