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Okra is one of the best medicinal vegetable although it is not everyone’s favorite. You may like to try it if you knew about its immense health benefits:
Basically, it is believed that the insoluble fiber in okra can help stabilize blood glucose levels by slowing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. Outside of scientific research, many people with diabetes have reported improved blood sugar levels by including okra in their diet.

Anemia: Helps red blood cells production and prevent anemia.

Anti-Cancer: The high antioxidants in okra helps protect the immune system against harmful free radicals and prevent mutation of cells.

Asthma: The high antioxidants and vitamin C content make okra useful for reducing asthmatic attacks.

Bone Strength: Folate in okra builds strong bones and density, preventing osteoporosis.

Cholesterol: The soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol, thus also reducing atherosclerosis and the risk of heart diseases.

Constipation: The rich fiber and mucilaginous (slimy) content in okra pods help increase bulk, bind to toxins and ensure easy bowel movements with its natural laxative properties. Regularly eating okra also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Diabetes: It has insulin-like properties that help to reduce blood sugar level. Eat about 6-8 young, raw okra every day and see your blood sugar level drop significantly.

Gut flora: The fiber helps improve the population of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Immune Booster: The high antioxidants and vitamin C content make okra a good immune booster food that reduce your catching the cough and cold.

Peptic Ulcers: The mucilaginous content provides a temporary coating to the digestive tract and stomach lining while healing the ulcers.

Pregnancy: The rich folate content in okra can help decrease the incidence of neural tube defects in babies.

Skin Health: With good bowel movements, skin health will improve. Helps reduce acne, psoriasis and other skin conditions.

Vision Health: Okra contains beta-carotenes (precursor of vitamin A), xanthin and lutein, all antioxidant properties that are helpful for vision health, preventing eye problems like cataract and glaucoma.



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    1. Brown Girls Kitchen

      Aww thanks Gayle. You are such a big supporter. I want to thank you for giving me such great compliments. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. Hope you have a great safe thanksgiving and stay blessed my dear. God bless your family. ???????????

    1. Brown Girls Kitchen

      Hey darling . I love okra. Only summer we get some. I can eat everyday. Lol. Well our thanksgiving is Thursday. Gonna take few days break i think. ? not a long break. Just few. I need to make new kinda recipes. Struggling a little. Lol. Thanks so much for all you do for me. All the prayers and love is so priceless for me. So i wanted to thank you in thanksgiving vibes kinda week. ??????????????. My cat saying love you auntie Lynda.

  1. cetin metin

    (I have no definite claims.)
    The hibiscus plant is red in color.
    Hibiscus is not sweet but sour.The color of our blood is red.
    Diabetics have too much sugar in their blood.In other words, the blood of diabetics is sugary.Diabetics have sugar in their urine.
    In other words, the urine of diabetics is sugary.
    Lemon juice is yellow like urine.Lemon juice is not sweet but sour.
    Hibiscus is red like blood.Tomato juice is red like blood.Natural garden tomatoes taste sour.Cow’s milk contains lactose.So cow’s milk is actually a sweet liquid.However, the taste of yogurt, which is a dairy product, is sour.
    So sweet milk turned into sour milk.
    With this “conversion” logic, especially “sour yogurt” can transform the sugar in our blood, that is, destroy it.
    The yellowish juice of yogurt is urine-like and sour.
    Yogurt juice can be very effective in diabetes.
    I told you hibiscus is blood-colored and sour.
    Hibiscus is not perceptibly sweet, but sour.So the opposite of sweet.
    When the sugar in our blood “transforms”, it becomes sugar-free, like hibiscus.
    Hibiscus can be effective in diabetes.Maybe a mix of these three should be used:
    sour yogurt, mallow, lemon.
    I’m just reasoning.
    but these three fruits and herbs are recommended against diabetes in old natural folk medicine books and are known to be good for diabetes among the people.
    My approach seems in line with the facts.By the same logic, red wine, which is low in sugar, should also lower blood sugar.
    & Make your own yogurt at home. Do not add sugar or honey to yogurt.&
    I am writing with google translate. I hope there is no problem with my english.

  2. C Girl

    So can anyone post if it really works! Have been diagnosed with diabetes for over 1 1/2 years. Don’t trust medications. would like to try all natural. A1C level 8.3 then 6.9 then up again 7.9 🙁 HELP!

    1. Brown Girls Kitchen

      Ohh. I understand if you don’t trust. But sometimes it does help to be healthy. This helps to regulate sugar with proper diet. But your A1 C seems fluctuating alot. Plz do follow doctors way and aslo proper diet and exercise. Weight is a very big issue. Plz see a dietitian and see.

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