Questions And Answers 242 – Vegan Diet, Cystic Acne, Diabetic Neuropathy
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01:53 – Yvette – How can Dr. Morse/Marcie instruct one to go on a vegan (fruit) diet without telling the person how to get all their required nutrients? They should tell people this: "I recommend an all fruit diet for detoxing, but you should know that this diet will not be entirely healthy for you. It will not be entirely healthy for you because on such a diet, you will not be getting all the essential nutrients that a body needs; and because you won't be getting all the essential nutrients a body needs, you may run into problems." Therefore, in addition to being on an all fruit diet, I recommend you get the missing nutrients by doing this: _____________________________." And they should fill in the blank by telling the person how they can get the missing nutrients.
17:24 – Matt – I am a 17 year old male who recently suffered from cystic acne. I went to the dermatologist about two years ago and they prescribed me Minocycline along with topical Benozyl Peroxide. I ran the antibiotic for three months with what I thought were amazing results. For the following 6 months my skin was perfectly clear but in August of 2013 I had the worst breakout of cystic acne on my cheeks and forehead of my life. I went back to the dermatologist and went on another round of Minocycline. Yes, it has cleared my acne, but it makes me uncomfortable knowing that the long term side effects of the drugs are probably far worse than I realized in regards to my digestive and immune wellness. I honestly believe that the drug is destroying my immune system to the point that if I got off my acne would return with vengeance. Is there any way I can improve the strength of my immune system so that I won't need the antibiotics to fend off the acne bacteria if/when it begins to resurface?
22:29 – Reggie – Is there a way to completely reverse diabetic neuropathy and regenerate nerves if the blood sugars are kept in control and proper diet is maintained? Please let me know what supplements need to be added and how long this process can take?
25:32 – Tracy & Sean – I have many health issues: Major depression w/ 2 suicide attempts, Anxiety, Instability of Lumbar Spine (LS), Forward slippage of LS, Sciatica, Weak pelvic floor, Cyst between L5 and S1, Lichen Sclerosis, Arthritis, No thyroid (1/2 removed in 95 (pap carcinoma) ½ removed 2005 (Hashimoto's thyroiditis — cell changing), Radiation 2007 to remove all excess thyroid tissue, Dental -Root exposure , No alcohol, cigarettes, Benzodiazapines since June 2012. History of allergies (hayfever and food). I know from listening to you that all of my health issues are going to resolve themselves. The root exposure already is; and my teeth are cleaning themselves. Amazing. Love it! Have lost a lot of weight as well. (30 pounds in 40 days on fruit). woohooo! I am wondering, however, if I should continue taking my levothyroxine or if I should take one of your glandulars eventually? As for my son, he is still not feeling well. I am convinced that he has degenerative adrenals and kidneys. His acne is severe right now even after 40 days fruit and not quite a week on twice/day dose of your herbs. How long do you guess that we will be feeling better? We've both had extraordinary mental, physical and emotional detox symptoms.
36:16- Sara – A close family member (37 year old male) has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. He is determined to do what he can to go the natural/detox way and has immediately started eating 100% raw. I am still trying to convince him to go completely fruit and I would like to know which of your formulas should he begin taking to start this journey the healthville.
Preach! this guy is right on, he really knows his stuff. thanks for the generous videos.
I love how Dr Morse doesn’t hold anything back and speaks his mind always. Thank you Doc, you’re a master.
I had acne in high school, got sick, and did not want to eat heavy foods for a week. I only ate oranges and water for about 10 days. My skin became super clear, even the black spots went away along with cystic acne. Blew me away. I had been on so many anti-biotics: tetracyline, minocyline and more, caused increased brain fluid. I warn people about taking those for a long time, don’t know why dr.s give it to acne patients, eat oranges for a week. Your skin will clear up.
Were u able to eat anything after? Do u have to do it frequently?
i would think most fruit would have a similar effect. it’s not that oranges are magical, it’s likely that they allowed her acne to clear because they weren’t aggravating her system like whatever she was eating before.
im keen to try this its a shame oranges are out of season in aus ?
Wow! Is it just me or Dr Morse went off on that first question? His reaction to that first question set him on fire in the most spiritual, intellectual way of replying back . LOL gotta love that guy
you are amazing and we are sosoooooooooososososo lucky to learn from you!
How can anyone dislike this video.
haha I simply love him! How comes I didn’t come across his video earlier?!
dr morse is my idol, good going man, so smart.
My gosh she is beautiful
And so is Dr morse
And so are we
As I am listening to this video this verse kept coming to my mind and I thought to share it.
And He(ALLAH/GOD) gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, mankind is [generally] most unjust and ungrateful. 14:34 (Abraham)
Fruits are beautiful gifts from the Great “Artist”
Peace be with you.
I’m confused. Are you saying to clean out the system we just need to eat fruit, berries and melons? Are there other things we need to do to clean out like enemas, sinus cleansing, lymph massage, rebounding etc.? Is this necessary or can we clean ourselves out just with a change to a fruit diet?
Dr Robert Morse, i was just wondering….
Do you read the comments below your videos?
Great video.
The Doc is sooo hot… And so is the Female! Haha love you both!
Beauty and the beast.
The thing about berries is really interesting. I can be considered pretty sick and have been like this for so long that I don’t remember how feeling good and energetic was. When I run into wild berries somewhere and eat only a handfull, I always feel a surge of energy. It surprises me every time.
he’s great i need my mum to watch your videos, she is not in a good place with her health at the moment and she needs some encouragement.
I like the way your Doctor friend is so soft spoken.
I’ve logged a good 60 hours of Dr. Morse vids in the last 2 weeks. And with that I’ve learned more than I can ever have imagined…add to that quite of bit of what I had already known or suspected he has confirmed. This guy is nothing short of amazing.