Hi! My name is Jonathan and I am a Chiropodist (Foot Specialist) in Toronto, Canada.
May is 'Foot Health Month' in Canada and I am going to try to use this month to give you guys as much advice and information about how to keep your feet healthy.
Diabetes can causes nerve damage, diagnosed as diabetic neuropathy. This is the most common complication of diabetes that affects over 50% of type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Individuals with pre-diabetes can develop diabetic neuropathy.
Symptoms of diabetic neuropathy include numbness, pain and loss of sensations starting in the hands and feet. Over time neuropathy leads to impaired balance and difficulty walking. This increases the risk of falls, foot trauma, ulceration and amputation.
This patient is a type 2 diabetic with no feeling in his feet. He works long hours on his feet and has to wear construction boots. An ill-fitting shoe lead to blister formation which eventually lead to an ulcer (wound). This is our fourth appointment together. Please see the links below to the other treatment videos of this patient!
1st Appointment –
2nd Appointment –
3rd Appointment –
The Toe Bro
Visit here —–
Nutarniq Essentials provides the essential omega-3s for the development and maintenance of nerves. It can be used alone or as part of your health care provider's neuropathy treatment plan.
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The Toe Bro Channel
———— Gear Used In This Video ————
Camera – Sony DSC-RX100
Tripod – Mactream PT55 Travel Camera Tripod
This video may contain podiatric surgical and/or procedural content. The content seen in this video is provided only for medical education purposes and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!
I almost cried watching this. . Thank you for posting this video. . .This is very close to my heart and I appreciate you bringing this to the attention of others ? Thank you so much Jonathan ?☺️
Because of your channel, now I’m more taking care of my feet and does not overlook it anymore , unlike before. Feet is the most taken for granted and overlooked part of the body. More knowledge, more power!
ToeBro-great job!!! “Slowly but surely, step by step”. Being a retired nurse who spent her entire 35+year career in nursing homes, I’ve seen and treated many wounds. You are beyond spectacular, in your work and your chair-side manner. Healing a diabetic wound like that does take awhile. Truly, respect to you darling!
Hi Jonathan, please can we have an update on the gentlemans toe as well? That looked sore xx
Was a popaholic for years and am excited to be one of the “toes” hahaha
I need to see that toe getting worked on ??
I wanted to see the toe too! You’ve done such a great job for this patient. Congratulations!
Yes! The toe too!
Jonathan, his foot is looking so much better. Well done, healer. I have neuropathy in one foot from a lis franc injury that took four reconstructive surgeries (including fusion) to stabilize. It’s a pain in the a$$, that’s for sure. Glad that your patients have you to help them keep their feet healthy, assuring a longer, healthier life.
How about his toe, that one has a serious issue. Any film on that, would live to see.
The Toe Bro where’s the video?
Thank you for the explanation, I really didn’t think you were neglecting the toe wound, but was curious.
Thanks for letting us know, Toe Bro!
We are treating the toe wound too. It does look sad today.
As was I. It looks like the toe wound is getting worse while the other one is improving. Xx
Impressive Jonathan!!!
I can’t believe how amazing that wound is healing.
Very well done. He is lucky to have you in his corner! ???
Regenerative therapy seems promising.
Well, today is the 31 May so this means: Congratulations Mr. Toe Bro!!!!! Bravo and a great thanks for your sticking through the entire month and being faithful to your word and us your Little Toes. Proud to be ??
Time to relax, sleep and even put your feet up a bit!
Thank you very much??
Foot healing beautifully, but the toe looks terrible, it looks like he’s had pressure on it without realising. So sloughy and dead, not good.
WOW…..what a difference! I can’t wait to see it all closed up. Continued healing my friend!!!! Let him know he has a lot of people on his team.
Ooops….we like you too Toe Bro!!! ?
This is very exciting for me with neuropathy to the knees on both sides. It is in both hands affecting only the digits so far. This is the best news since sliced bread, thank you.
Thank you for so many interesting videos during this month, Jonathan ?
And also thanks to that patient… such numbed feet seem very scary to me as I love walking in the forest and feel the ground changing under my feet.
I really hope that his feet won’t become worse.
So thats why they have to have limbs took off. Horrible thing to have.
I have several friends with Diabetes and both have neuropathy on their feet and legs. Very informative….and again, my thanks to you!
These videos are AMAZING. As a young pharmacist I get a lot of questions regarding feet and, although I intend to learn through means of my own research, I trust your videos enough to be a starting point in my learning curve
Really great that there’s hope for people with neuropathy. Thanks for sharing! ☺
I wanted to mention something about pain under the feet due to calluses. I would really appreciate it Toe Bro, if you could talk about how some types of operations done on feet can damage the sole forever and cause calluses to be created to balance out the foot. I hope I am clear enough? Lol
Merci Beaucoup?