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What is the best diabetes medicine? Everybody wants to be on the best diabetes medicine. Dr. Ergin explains all of his secret best diabetic medications in this video. He also explains why individual diabetic medicine may not work for another person. He talks about the side effects of diabetic medicines as well.

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After watching this video you will have a much better understanding of the best diabetes medicines in the market.

Is Ozempic the best or jardiance, how about metformin? Who is the candidate for these medications?

For example, Metformin, GLP-1 agonist agents, and SGLT2 inhibitors are commonly used in patients with diabetes to help with weight loss.

GLP-1 agonist agents are Ozempic, Rybelsus, Trulicity, Bydureon.

SGLT2 inhibitors are Jardiance, Invokana, Farxiga, Steglatro. We will go over these agents briefly in this youtube video.

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Regardless of your diabetes type (type 2 diabetes or type 1 diabetes), you will find plenty of diabetes control tips in the SugarMD channel by Dr. Ergin. We have a lot of content around foods to eat when you have diabetes, diabetic recipes, exercise videos, diabetic supplements, herbs, natural remedies, regular medications, and more. We talk about normal blood sugar levels, how to keep blood sugar as close to normal as possible without sacrificing your entire diet. How to make a diabetic diet more enjoyable while creating a diabetic meal plan. And, most of all we support and help each other learn and stay strong against this ugly chronic disease.
SugarMD combines holistic and evidence-based medicine and serves you the best of both worlds without bias.

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Ahmet Ergin, MD, FACE, CDCES, ECNU Endocrinologist, Diabetes Educator www.SugarMDs.com Ahmet Ergin, MD, is a specialist physician in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism. He is interested in preventive cardiology as well. He has been practicing for over 10 years, having seen over 30,000 patients in his career so far. He speaks science and is proud to educate his patients with real data rather than hearsay. To become a patient please call 772 398 7814. You have to be a Florida Resident to be a patient. Thank you!

For collaboration requests please email me:ask@sugarmds.com- ?????? ?? ??? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????????.

Disclaimer: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.

#diabetesmellitus #diabetes #diabetic
#type2diabetes #type1diabetes #diabeticmealplan



  1. lucieni

    Please do consider differentiating between T1 vs T2 in your video/description. Newly diagnosed T1s with less understanding of their condition may watch this and assume they can just pop a pill to ‘cure’ their condition. I’m T1 myself since May 19 (T1 Ed course Jan 2020) i work in paediatric hospital pharmacy and have been shocked on occasions I have met patients and their parents that have not yet attended a T1 Ed course and have been told to inject quite arbitrary quantities of fast acting insulin with no Ed on carb counting (myself included until I attended the Ed course) and so have quite badly controlled blood glucose.

  2. We Are one

    Great video! I agree with diet to also decrease the pressure on the pancreas and give it a break. But I know it’s not always that simple and as they say YDMV (your diabetes may vary).

    I like Toujeo basal and Afrezza for bolus. But yeah each med will be different and will vary. Honestly anything that decreases the work my body has to do and unload my pancreas and give me better control is what I look for.
    I agree wholeheartedly with this video and it is so so informative and educational. ? love your content. I wish more people will understand that diabetes is complex and that it affects and is related to many systems.

    1. SugarMD

      Thank you for sharing. We love hearing from you guys always. Reminder: you guys help a lot when you watch the video in full length including ads, like, and share. When you do that Youtube starts serving more people who are probably in great need yet can’t necessarily find our free diabetes educational videos among millions of other videos on youtube that are less pertinent or less educational to them. Remember this is the only diabetes channel that is created and supported by an endocrinologist who sees diabetic patients every day. Thanks for your support! Dr.Ergin

  3. Gilbred, Jr. Alsagon

    Thank you so much. New subscriber here.. very informative content ? btw..what’s ur take on DPP-4 inhibitors such as Linagliptin(brand name trajenta) which i am taking for almost a year now.. I will really appreciate ur response..thank you.

    1. Gilbred, Jr. Alsagon

      @SugarMDHello again Doc. I’M taking Trajenta for a year now along with Invokana.. both are totally working for me.. I also changed my diet. I am only 28 yrs old and has a history of diabetes in the bloodline. From an A1c of 13.5 I managed to improve it to 6.4 which has been my average for the past 6months. My only problem is that those drugs are quite expensive for me..is it safe for me to switch to metformin ? Thank you so much ?

  4. R. Mercado

    WOW-WOW!!! I have learned much from your presentation, as evidenced by my jotting-down sufficient notes. These notes include the three classifications that you gave with its names and the benefits along with its side effects.

    There was one question though, the third classification of diabetic medicines was not clear in that, as it would appear to me, you did not give Group 3 it’s name classification as you did with Class 1 & 2 ie, for Class 2 you mentioned, “SGLT-2 inhibitors,” but what was the 3rd Class?
    Many thanks! Semper Fi

  5. Peter Hlywa

    Hi Doc, recently found you on social media so find your info very helpful..at 76 having had type 2 for most of my life i’m considering the latest drug Ozempic…like your opinion?? have used most of the other medication for many years…thankyou

  6. Elena Calibuyot

    Hi Doc I’m in Junavia 50 mg which is a trial for me because I tried the Metforman 1000mg a day before which gives me a muscle pain so since then they tried Junevia after that I Preakness my finger every other day since then my Gloucos is getting better

  7. D C

    He sure is right about getting no information and a lack of information! It’s hard to understand diabetes. People need to read books on it. Doctors don’t really tell you that. It’s kind of like you have to be your own doctor.

  8. Zizu

    I am T2 for about 4 years. Due to COVID, I don’t feel safe going to the gym, so I have gained some weight. I am 67 y.o. I try very hard to have a healthy low carb diet. Last A1C was 6.9, but I’d like to do better. BTW, your suggestions for diet are very helpful. My doctor wants me to take Jardiance instead of Metformin. But I have read about terrible side effects from Jardiance & Farxiga. Trulicity is out because I am being treated for retinopathy and it says if you have retinopathy, you should not take it. I am also afraid the Jardiance will wear out my kidneys. What is your opinion? Thank you.

  9. Dena Redford

    Thank you again . Can’t tell you how much it means to me to learn from you . The regular Physicians do not have the time to actually explain things to you . Getting Diabetes has meant a long study . You are the perfect educated teacher .

  10. Michael Esralian

    Hey Doc, good info!!! Do you think you can speak without moving your hands and arms all over the place? Very good pros and cons about what is out there for type 2 diabetes. How about Januvia, I didn’t hear you talk much about that one unless I missed it,

  11. Mimi Gu

    Thanks Dr for the information! I’m type 2 for 22 years. Over the years medications were added to daily dosage. With 3 x 850 mg Metformin/day, 1×10 mg Jardiance, 1x 100 mg Januvia and 1x Glimepiride + walking, I was able to keep A1C @ 5.9-6.5. But with recent 3+ glucose in urine, my doctor asked me to stop Jardiance to avoid UTI. Luckily so far, other than A1C and Glucose, CMP, LIPID, CBC, TSH and urine tests are normal. If continue with Jardiance and with high glucose in the urine, other than potential UTI, what are the other consequences? Will it lead to kidney issues? Thanks for letting us know an oral form GLP-1 exist now. I may be able to switch to it in my next dr visit. Appreciate your advices!

  12. Frank Luka

    Thank you so much for educating us all about the different medications. Looking forward to the side effects video. I am currently on Ozempic and Synjardy. I am concerned about the warning sigh of medullary thyroid cancer warning. I took it for 4 months and decided to give it up from fear of long term disease effects. Would appreciate some advice and guidance. Thank you.

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