Very effective drink to control diabetes – Benefits of coriander seeds – Benefits of fenugreek seeds
#theeverydaycooking #theeverydaycookingtamil #healthdrink #diabetes
Control your diabetes easily at home with this simple drink
Fenugreek seeds- 1/2 cup
( வெந்தயம்) ( मेथी के बीज )
Coriander seeds – 1 cup
(மல்லி விதை) (धनिये के बीज)
Water – 1 cup
( as i have used small cup it have poured 2 to 3 times )
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Hi there, do we have to strain the mixture and have after boiling it??? Or should we have the residue too???
In another video you boil the water for each one until it changes color. Does it matter which way you prepare the water?
Can we add carom seeds(ajwain) also
Sounds wonderful! Can you drink the powdered coriander and powdered fenugreek seeds I buy from the Indian store instead of the actual seeds? Pl. let me know. God bless! Thank you so much ??
Yes you can, but try this method for good result ?? Thank you Lila Coo
Thank you very much. I know actual seeds are always much better. Ok then, for the time being i just use powdered stuff.
Hello ji m seeing difference in diabetes!
Also m following other routine !
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much @OVV ?
Hi OVV! good to hear you are able to reverse your diabities. Please take out time and do share your routine too.
I have just diagnosed with high level diabities. My post breakfast sugar level is 428.
Since I stay in a PG, I dont dry roast but I soak it over night 1 table spoon of fenugreek seeds in a 1 tea cup of water have have it early morning empty stomach.
Also I have bought jamun karela juice from Amazon but not yet stated to have it.
Your add on or advise from your routine will mean a lot.
Thank you for your help
@The Everyday Cooking ĺ
Hey!! Could you please tell me if we could drink it daily for rest of the life..?or us there anything that we should only drink it for 3 months or anything else..
We can drink daily but if your sugar level gets low just pause this drink ?
Hello, My question is, I don’t boil in a water ,
every day one spoon of the mixture mixing
in a cup of yogurt and eating .What do you think ?
Can I use the powder instead of decoction
Can we boil the seeds without grinding them?
If it is ground don’t we need to strain the coction after boiling?
The results are awesome my age is 37 my sugar lever reached 400 after trying this I got good result thank you so much
Thank you so much ??
Will you please tell water quantity in ml. So that it is very clear. Instead of saying big cup small cup or small glass. Tell us e exactly for 1 full tblspn. How much ml of water we shd use. Thanks a lot. May god bless you for sharing Information
Actually it is a small cup so we have taken it 3 times but its actual measurement is 1 cup of water and 1 tbsp prepared powder . Reduce it to quarter cup .
Hi sis. Could you please tell some suggestions to increase weight for diabetes patient.
Will this help with fasting blood sugar? which is taken in the mornings. thanks for making this video, really appreciate it!
Can you use this while on insulin? If yes when do i drink it before or after taking insulin and what is the dose?
Instead of boiling with water shall I use the powder directly
Thank you for the information my nephew suffered from the same disease and I didn’t know the severity of the disease and he used to swell like a balloon…..thankfully his health got better through Ayurvedic medicine which we took from Planet Ayurveda and that helped him a lot.
Thankyou so much my blood sugar was hba1c 7.4 something but now I have reduced to 5.8
Wow , super ??
Really to the point and explicit, there’s no beating about the bush to waste viewers’ time,
You used simple language and everyone can easily understand,
Can we prepare the drink say for a week,store in refrigerator and use as per need?
Hello! Can I grind and use the powder raw or do I have to roast them before grinding? Thank you!