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പ്രമേഹം മരുന്നില്ലാതെ നിയന്ത്രിക്കാം | Diabetes control tips malayalam

Latest Malayalam health tips about How to control diabetes by Dr. Ashwathi Soman.

3 Tips to control Diabetes
1. exercise
2. lifestyle modification
3. drugs
For more Health information visit : www.youtube.com/arogyam
Kidney Disease Malayalam Health Tips:

Liver Disease Malayalam Health Tips

Heart Disease Malayalam Health Tips



  1. joby john

    If your Fasting Blood Sugar is more than 200 then take medicine and control to less than 125. Then find out 40 minutes daily for playing /cycling/swimming/running etc. within 60 days sugar level will under control.

  2. chanduram gopalakrishnan

    Madam, is it true that Glycomet is poorly absorbed from the stomach (about 50 to 65%) and hence when given with food or soon after food, the absorption becomes even poorer. Hence ideally it should be taken early in the morning. I read this in google and wanted to clarify it with your advice. Please reply thank you

  3. Shifa nasrin

    ഞാൻ 7month pregnent ആണ് എനിക്ക് GCT 206ആയിരുന്നു
    ഇപ്പോൾ FBS,PPBS TEST ചെയ്തപ്പോൾ 85,162 ആയിരുന്നു
    ഇത് കുഴപ്പമാണോ .മരുന്ന് കഴിക്കേണ്ടതുണ്ടോ ,ഭക്ഷണത്തിൽ നിയന്ത്രിച്ചാൽ മതിയോ ?ഏതെല്ലാം food കഴിക്കാം ?

  4. venu narayanan

    After taking foods at breakfast, meals, dinner immediately walk for 10 minutes your sugar will decrease. If consuming small quantity of sugar, use Big Kalkandu in the place of sugar.
    Pathimukham, Karingali, Ekanayakam, Nellikka thod together helped to decrease sugar levels. In this Ekanayakam is very much used to decrease sugar levels, thereby use EKANAYAKAM, some say it Ponkorandi more in this mixture. Take them sliced together about a spoon for about 3 liters of water and boil in water and drink about 10 glass of this hot water a day is used to decrease sugar levels. Always use it along with the medicines prescribed.
    Eat Raw Nellikka daily and Pavaikka curry which is very useful. Person to person it may vary depending upon the food consumed.

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